Sunday, August 11, 2013

Where In the World (Utah) is Sister Larsen now??

Bye Bye Beaver... Heeeellllloo.....???‏                                                     

Helllllo family!

Mom....Cove Fort is a church history site :)

Your week sounds ridiculous! haha I can’t believe all that stuff happened all together!

Alana must of had a paaaaaart-y! Sheesh! Did they get my card? Hope so!

 Okay Willow’s story was just what I needed for the week! I cried laughing. I needed that!

So not only did you have a crazy week BUT so did we!

So Monday....Sister R and I learned how to GOLF! One of our Ward Mission Leaders and his wife took us out to learn how to golf. He took 30 minutes to explain how to do it all like the PROS! :)  Soooo then we started to practice....everything was going well...we got to the first hole and Sister R went first....She did great! Then it was my turn. Soooo remember how my shoulders are dumb and aren't very strong..... hahaha the first shot I partially dislocated my shoulder! I thought I was going to cry.... but I didn't and I kept playing. We got to hole 5 and I had to stop... my arm no longer wanted to work. BUT DONT WORRY it’s all better now and doesn't hurt hahaha I just won’t be golfing for a while!

THEN Tuesday we got a phone call... one of our Ward Mission Leaders went to go check on one of our investigators. He says BAD news Sisters! We had been trying to get a hold of this guy for weeks and he had been avoiding us. Our WML says well...he won’t be getting baptized anytime soon. We said uh oh! What happened? Apparently, our Investigator went to a party over the weekend and got super drunk ( HELLLO...WHAT HAPPEND TO COMMITTING TO FOLLOWING THE WORD OF WISDOM?) He decided to drive and smashed into a a DUI... and got his license suspended for year :( Uh that was heart breaking news for us! WE were sad to hear that happened. We tried to visit him to support him and see what we could do for him or how we could help him, but he doesn't want to talk to us for a while because he's too embarrassed to talk to us. Testimony that when we follow the Word of Wisdom we can be happier and healthier. The Gospel is a hard way to live because the world seems so much more fun... but in reality... When we live the Gospel the way the Lord has set for us we can truly be happy and we can have confidence that the choices we make are good ones.

Wednesday we had a pretty good day.

Friday we were asked to go back to Cove Fort to do some service for them on their "COVE FORT DAYS" We got to talk to loooots of people. It was pretty fun.

Saturday was even a crazier day! WE had to spend the morning "weekly planning" since we didn't get to do it on Friday. So we started a little later in the day then usually. We had appointments at 2,3 and then we were going to contact our investigator in the apartment complex at 4 ....for some reason we felt we needed to go visit someone else instead so we didn't go to the appointment at 4. We didn't get the chance to visit the appointments until about 6. When we walked into the complex our investigators boyfriend (Levi) was standing outside of his door. We walked in and he said booooy am I glad to see you! We thought well that's funny because he's never said that to us before. He went on to tell us about his day and all the things that happened to him. Earlier that day his apartment complex got raided by the Sheriff’s Department and they busted in doors trying to find a man who had been dealing drugs. Levi was very overwhelmed and was upset because he felt like his family wasn't safe anymore. WE talked to him for a while and talked to him about prayer and how he could ask Heavenly Father to protect his family. He asked if we could say a prayer with him, so we did. We were standing outside and as we were saying a prayer, we were standing in a circle and I had my eyes we were standing there...I got this really strong impression... "DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES" I opened my eyes scared not knowing what might happen. I didn't want Levi to see that I had my eyes opened so I stood there with my head down and just kept my eyes looking around. We finished the prayer and nothing had happened. I am not sure why I was given that impression but I know that for that moment we were safe. After we had said the prayer...this man drove into the complex, Levi started freaking out. He said "Sisters, you gotta get out of here!!!" So we ran out and got into our car. Before Sister R and I ever go into this place we always say a prayer for protection... I can tell you that if we did not have the power of prayer or if God was not real...we could have easily found ourselves in bad situations...BUT it is because of prayer and the power of God that we have been protected. We have been kept safe so many times and I am so grateful! I love my Heavenly Father and all that He does for me! I love that HE DOES hear my prayers and HE does ANSWER them!

I love my mission...I love the people I see and talk to... I love seeing miracles!!!

Ok ok ok.....sooo you’re probably dying by now wanting to know where I am now!
Yes, yes we are!  ")

My meeting with president went well. I talked to him about extending and he said he would get back to me, ha so it wasn't as productive as I thought it would be, but it was still good!

Saturday morning we got our transfer calls...this time I got mine from President Center. No usual call this time. President Center asked me to be a new "Sister Zone Leader"...It’s a new position the church has come up with. I am being sent back down to St. George.  Funny story.... Remember where I was before Beaver???? I was serving in Washington Field...with Sister Anderson. President has called me to serve in the Washington Fields with Sister Anderson as a Zone Leader.

The only thing that came out of my mouth was ....."again?!" ... he said, Yes Sister...anymore questions? I said no.

So it’s official my mission is a crazy one! I will start and die in the same place. I have a lot of bitter sweet feelings about this call this time. I am excited to serve as a Zone Leader... but I am sad to go back to the Visitor’s Center. I have been praying a lot that Heavenly Father will help through it and that I will be able to have the strength to do what the Lord wants me to so. I've been really nervous to go back with Sister A also since we didn't really leave on a good note. I know we have both changed a lot in the last 9 months. So, I pray that with those changes we will be able to work better with one another. Yesterday was a hard day, saying goodbye to Beaver. I cried. I will forever remember Beaver and the people that I met. I will forever have those friends! I am so grateful I was given the chance to serve there for 9 whole months!!!! Whaaaat a blessing!

So there it is... I am back down in the heat of St. George and I am now a Zone Leader! ha

What a whirl wind! :)

Well I love you all! xoxooxox

Mom...Love you like allll the things I've gathered for 9 months that I had to pack :) hahaha


 Pic#2... This is a picture of the temple that my recent convert painted for me! Pretty cool huh?!

 Pic#3...My favorite Beaver Family... Stake President...President Robinson and his family!

PS I have had several phone calls this past week from families in Beaver. They all called to tell us how much they love Sister Larsen and how much they miss her already. Does a Mom's heart proud!
We love our "Sister Larsen" and miss her too! I will keep you posted as to her "release" date.




Fish again......Poor Sister Larsen ;}

Welcome to Beaver....This may be the last day you get to visit!‏      
Dear Familia!

Ohhhhhhhhh happppppppy biiiiirthday to my little one! I can’t believe it! Where has time gone!? It’s going by way to fast I can’t even handle it.

So the 24th here was a blast! It was crazy! Glad you got those pictures...The members insisted! I told them they were going to make you cry! They laughed and said good! ;) hahahah Sister Yardley the lady that was in the picture with us, she is one of my very best friends here. She is practically our mom! She takes us to lunch very often and makes sure we are taken care of. She also found us people to teach so that’s great too! :)


Glad you got Sister R's card! Yeeeees please get my passport ready! We are going to have a blast! :D She wants to take me to ALL her houses she has around the country of Mexico ;) I know I’ve always been Mexican inside but now it shows on the outside :) hahaha I’m afraid that if I leave Beaver I will forget all the things I have learned. I’ve decided to take a Spanish class when I get home :) So I can be better!

Sounds like things are getting back to its busi-ness! Summer here is also coming to an end and everyone is trying to get all the fun in as much as possible so it’s pretty bare around here.

Romans 8 has become one of my favorite scriptures. You are exactly right...there is nothing that will separate us from God’s love. He will always be there and will always love us. We can teach people that God loves them by the way WE treat them. We are Gods instruments, we need to treat others the way HE would.

 will be talking to President Aug 1st. We also have transfers this week :(

This week in B-Town!

Monday Sister R and I got the chance to go to “COVE FORT” it’s a church history site... It was pretty cool! We got VIP tour since we were missionaries :) We got to see all the cool things and go places most people don’t. The tour guide was super nice. Going there reminded me of the VC in St. George

There was a lot of similar history we talk about down there.

Okay so I think I am scared for life when it comes to FISH :( …..remember how I told we were going to have fish from our Bishop who went to Alaska??? Soooo our dinner is at 5pm... We showed up to their house and his wife forgot we were coming over even though we reminded them... and we got there and she says oooooh my goodness! I haven’t even started! We thought oooh great! They live in the middle of nowhere so it wasn’t like we could contact someone and then come back so we had to stay there and watched her run around and try and cook. The salmon was still frozen and she was trying to defrost it with hot water. I was kind of scared. We went out and petted their horses for a while. She finally called us in for dinner and she had made “Salmon Alfredo”...I thought ooooh I’ve never had this before this should be good... I looked down at my plate and the salmon was still RAW! She says I’m still learning how to cook this stuff hope it takes okay! *smile* I looked at Sister R and just smiled. We had 10 minutes left to eat the whole meal and then we had to go. I ate my whole plate is about 8 minutes and then we headed out. We got in the car and I thought I was going to puke! Not only did I just eat a whoooooole plate in 8 minutes....but it was RAW! Lesson learned: I’m never eating fish again! :P People are trying to kill me here! Thank goodness for prayer! :) haha

Funny story! In Germany there was an Elder.... He went to an Investigators house for dinner. At the end of the meal the family asked him how he was feeling. He said “oh fine, that was great, thank you” The mom then goes on to say well good! It’s true! We were reading in the Bible about the Lord’s missionaries and how if they are faithful no harm shall come upon them. We wanted to see if it was true and see if you were a faithful we poisoned your food!” WE believe what you’ve been teaching us because you’re a faithful missionary! …...hahahahahaha I died reading that! People are crazy!

So this month we have had the privilege of seeing 5 people come to the waters of baptism woooohooo right? ...This month in the last week we have also seem 6 people drop us because of different reasons so as of right now we have 2 investigators we are still working with. That is the lowest number I have seen while being here in this area. It makes me a little sad, but I also know that Heavenly Father is going to help us find more people to teach and also find those miracle people that are ready to listen!

Like ROY..... Roy is a man we are teaching. He started meeting with us because he wanted to learn about God for his kids. So he could teach them how to have good morals and be good people- he wasn’t really interested for himself. We said “that's fine” and continued to teach him. We gave him a BOM and he told us he was going to only read it to his kid during bath time so they could be calm and listen to what he was saying ( his kids are 2 and 9 months) we said “okay” and continued to teach him. This week we went to an appointment with him and we were expecting to only talk about 1Nephi and that was it. We followed up on what he read and he says “sorry Sisters... I read after bath time and so now I am at chapter 8. We sat there and smiled...knowing in our hearts that Heavenly Father is helping him to feel the spirit. Our next appointment we talked to him again about his reading and he says... “I’m at about chapter 11...Sisters I can’t put the book down. It’s so interesting!” He then goes on to say that he has decided that “this learning” is not just for his kids now.... He wants it for himself and that he really wants to know. He said “SISTERS! I also prayed for the first time...out loud...with my eyes closed!” We said what did you pray for? He said he asked for help for his job interview so he could do a good job ….he said I did so well in my interview AND I got the job! We asked him if Heavenly Father had answered his prayers. He agreed that he had. WOW!!!!!! Heavenly Father is so great. We had faith that He would help Roy and Roy didn’t even know what was coming. We are now teaching him at a whole new level. It’s amazing. He also decided to stay for the whole block of church yesterday. Miracles! To most people these things may seem small, but seeing this man’s heart soften more and more each day as he reads and learns about Jesus Christ and prays to our Heavenly Father.... is one of the great miracles we as missionaries get to witness. I feel so blessed to be able to have these opportunities to watch these people and watch them grow. It helps me to grow right along with them.

This week was our baptism of BRAXTON! It was sooooo good! Sister R, the Elders and I sang “Teach me to walk in the Light” and we made everyone cry. I hope it wasn’t because of how bad I did... I hope it was more because of the spirit! Hahaha I got super nervous and couldn’t sing. I told Sister R it would be hard for me, but she said Heavenly Father is just making your weaknesses stronger hahaha I just laughed! It was such a spiritual baptism. Braxton is such a smart kid...I hope that his family strives to continue to be more active and help him to learn more in the Gospel. When Braxton went in for his interview with our District Leader... Our DL asked him what the most important part of Sabbath Day is...most kids say primary or singing or family time....Braxton said the Sacrament! I was so proud of him. His connection with the Holy Spirit is so strong it’s amazing to watch for a 9 year old.

This is Braxton on his big day!

Well I think that's all that happened this week. It was a crazy week!

 hope School and such all goes well this upcoming week.
I love and miss y'al

Mom....I love you like I loved making alllll the butter we made on the 24th...and that was a lot! I thought of you the whole time :) Instead of using baby food jars we used "sample cups" from the hospital....don't worry I made sure they hadn't been used first :) hahahahahahha

Enjoy all the storms you’re getting....I know we are :) PLUS we don't have to wash the car as often! hahaha

Peace* Love* Happiness!
Be nice to others and treat them the way our Heavenly Father would treat them.

You don't need a name tag to be a missionary!
Sister Larsen






More Miracles in Beaver, Utah!

Welcome to Beaver... Its Pioneer Party Time!‏                           

WAIT! I’m confused! They celebrated early this year! I thought they celebrated ON the 24th?!?!

Sounds like you had a blast though! POOR Alyssa! That is so sad! I can’t believe that happened! Sad to say but I laughed :P  Glad they got there safely though. That is going to be a good story for their marriage! Hahah “Learning opportunities” :P

I can’t believe Alana is WALKING she isn’t even old enough to do that kind of stuff!!!!’re is moving so fast and our family is growing in soooo many ways! I’m sad I'm missing some of those things but I know they will be there when I get home.

Okkkkay extending... We were supposed to meet with President this week but we got rescheduled for Aug 1st so I will talk to him them and we will know what my plans are going to be. Yes an extension is only a transfer BUT that is 6 more weeks I get to help someone. I don’t have to go back to school in Flagstaff officially till next Aug. so when I come home I’m supposed to take a CC class and then find some kind of work. I would love to find something that is in the health or in home care kind of stuff. If you see anything or find anyone that is in need of that kind of help, let them know I’m interested. I know I will need to find some more mula for school. Mom... I’m really struggling what I should do with my life. I recently sat in a meeting with an apostle and as I was sitting there and for some reason I got this impression I need to be a stay at home mom. I need to take care of my “many” children. But then I also thought about how the prophets have counseled us woman to get an education and have something to fall back on. Soooo I was thinking. I know I need to finish my Sports medicine. I can’t let them down and tell them I'm not coming back...that would be a waste. So I know I'm going to finish that. I also was thinking about my master’s and how it’s going to be in Education. I could just do substitute teaching while my family is growing and I would have more flexibility. I know I said I would NEVER be a teacher...but in the end... hahaha I think that’s what I'm supposed to do. This lady and I are talking and she asked me the other day what I was going to school for I told her sports medicine. She asked me if I was ever planning on a becoming a teacher...I just sat there and laughed! I couldn’t believe she was asking me that. MORIAH was never going to be a teacher! Hahaha She told me she thought I would be a really good teacher and that I should reconsider it. So ever since then I’ve been thinking about it. I’ve been thinking about my life a lot lately and how Heavenly Father has changed it so mannnny times. I feel like he keeps putting me on these paths to teach me something and in the end He’s going to make me something amazing. I hope I can keep up with the lessons and apply them.

Funny you ask about fish....We will be eating fish tomorrow night for dinner with our Bishop who just went to ALASKA! Soooo I’ll be thinking of Paula and Frank when I eat it! :P

Soooooo this week! We had an amazing week!!!!!!

The Familia Magana..... got baptized!!!!!! The mom, daughter and son.... The dad was present and realllly felt the spirit. He now wants to start the lessons and really learn for himself. We are so excited! This family is just amazing. The program was pretty much all in Spanish and woooooah! The spirit was so strong! We had about 4 nonmembers show up to the baptism...two of them being former investigators that recently dropped us. We got to talk to them about the baptism and they said it was “very spiritual and different” The family asked our Bishop to baptize them and he got the opportunity to try it in Spanish! It was sooooo cool!

Then ANNIE got baptized!!The same night! That was another baptism that one of my best. It was sooooo full of the spirit. She just cried the whole time and was so thankful that her day could finally come. back up a little... We had a lesson with her earlier in the week and went over the baptismal questions with her. We thought she was going to fly through them and just be solid! We got to a particular question that if anyone says yes to that question they have to have an interview with our mission president. Well when we got to that question with Annie she said yes....our hearts sank! We were so sad. We finished the questions and then talked to her about how she needs to meet with our president and he will decide if she can get baptized on Saturday.

We called president to ask him for an interview and he told us he couldn’t make it to Beaver but he would maybe be able to talk to her next week. I kind of got bold with him and said President she has planned for Saturday and if at all possible she would like to make that day. (Our President is aaloooot different then the previous one, anyways) I said is there any way we can get her to see you before then. He said the only way to do that is if she travels to St George (2hours) or Cedar (1hour)...Annie doesn’t have a car we said. President then said if you can find a member to take her I will see her if not then I’ll see her next week. Gaaaaaah my heart sank. It was 4:45 and we had an appt @5 and she had to be in Cedar at 6:45. We called everyone we knew and NO ONE answered their phone. Then one of our RS presidents finally answered and she seemed really busy we told her our situation and she ended up saying I’ll call you back in a few minutes. It was now 5pm...Time for our lesson... and she called us back! She said she would take Annie to Cedar....MIRACLE #1!!!!! Then Annie talked to our President and told him her situation and what happened... She told us he got quiet and just sat there. She then spoke up and said President...If there is no forgiveness for me and I can’t get baptized because of this, then I know I have chosen to join the wrong religion. President then looked up and said... “You’ll be good to go for Saturday!” end of story. I couldn’t believe Annie said that but she was right. She had repented of what she did and she had moved on....MIRACLE #2!!! She called us on her way home and just bawwwwwwled! She was soooo happy that she could get baptized and finally get rid of all those things she had done and get rid of her past. She was ready to move forward. I will never forget Annie and the things she has taught me this past month. Her desire to learn and be close to our Heavenly Father is just amazing. She is going to be an example to many in this town and also show our wards that it’s not about being perfect in every way...if we are trying that’s all Heavenly Father asks of us.

This week was full of emotions and lots of crying.

Remember Lalo and Gorge? The Spanish brothers we taught a couple of months a go???? The youngest brother just told us on Saturday that he is thinking and planning on trying to go on a mission! Ahhhhhhhhh I just cried! He said he is really scared and doesn’t really know what to do or what missionaries even really do and so we talked to him for a while and really tried to encourage him. Lalo the oldest doesn’t feel like he can go on a mission because he’s older and he wants to get married :) Both choices are amazing!!! ahhhh I love these boys and I can’t believe how much they have grown in the past couple of months. They still have the “newbie glow” :)

Another miracle that happened on Saturday …. so there is a house I knocked on a couple of months ago and she was not interested! ...but this week we were asked to knock on it again. I didn’t want to because I didn’t know what else to say to her. Well we went anyway...a new guy answered the door. He is renting a room from the family and is staying for a couple of months. We started talking to him and he became really interested in what we were telling him. So we set another appointment to see him on Sunday. So we show up on Sunday and the lady answered the door. She automatically said I remember you! I said yes how are you?...small talk.... I then said well we are actually here to see Craig today, is he home. She finally let us in! MIRACLE #1... We finally got to sit down and started talking to Craig... we started our conversation right where left off the day before.... the lady never left the room! She stayed and listened to our whole conversations and also asked looots of questions. She also practically bore her testimony about Christ and what she believes. It was incredible! At the end of our discussion we were asked to come back and talk some more!!!! MIRACLE #2!!!!! Whaaat Heavenly Father is so amazing in His work and how he guides and directs us. He knows when the right times are and how everything is going to work out. If we but listen and let him control it... it will ALWAYS work out! We are going back to see this family and we are hoping to continue to teach them :)

 love this work! I know that everyone is in need of it and could benefit from all of the happiness our Heavenly Father has in store for us!

PS....JESS IS GOING ON A MISSSION!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! ;D love love love!!

Mom....will you study Romans 8: 38-39 and think about its message. What is it trying to tell us?? :)

The world is great. Life is great. YOU are great!

I love you family and hope you are doing well. Tell Buddy I’d like to go on a vacation with him with all that mula he’s got!!! :)

Mom.....I love you like I loved watching 4 people reach the waters of baptism and start a new life! Wooooohooooooo!!!!

Our pioneer day is the 24th Sister R and I get to be pioneers and make homemade butter and bread and give it to people :) It’s going to be great! Good thing I’ve had practice making that homemade butter :)

I’ll give you updates on how the day goes :)

Thanks for all the pictures :)

Until next week! May God be with you!


Mom remember Sam Martin... from Flagstaff he was dating one of the girls in my apartment. He was kind of a funny character kind of guy?? Oooookay anyway... we were eating with one of our Bishops this past week and we were talking about their son who just got into to the mission field. They asked me, “hey didn’t you say you lived in Flagstaff for a while?” I said yes. They said well his Trainer is from flag! I asked what his name was... they said ummmm Sam....Sam Martin. Idk just some kid. My jaw just dropped! They said uuuuuh do you know him?! I yessss very well actually! They showed me a picture they had gotten of the two of them. I just died. Wow! My world is sooooo small! When I left Sam didn’t want to go on a mission and because he is the institute teacher’s son everyone was just shocked! BUT he went! And now he has connections to Beaver! CRAZY!!!!






Making Tamales! Yummy!

Welcome to Beaver...The Thunder Storms are Amazing!                   ‏          7-15-13


BOX WAS FANTASTIC! Thank you so much! We have been sharing all of our goodies with our investigators....especially the Spanish ones :) It’s been great! Sister R loved the shirts ;) haha Thank you for the face wash AND mascara! That was a good surprise! :) Thank you thank you!!!

So mom...I've been thinking... I've been praying about this often but I don't know what my answer is yet.... I've been thinking about extending my mission. If I do,  I will come home at the end of Dec. If I don't, I will be home before Christmas. Now I know you'd probably want me to be home for Christmas...BUT I want you to really ponder on it and let me know your feelings next week. I want to do what the Lord wants me to do. I love this work and if I get the chance to do it any longer I would be so blessed! I know that not really something you wanted right off the bat...ha

We are looking forward to our “24th” it sounds like it’s going to be like Pima's.... They go BIG here! They even have a station for us in the parade ;) We are excited! This place is so amazing and it gets better and better! :)

I can’t wait to hear all about your Pima adventures!

So this week.... We had a busy week! We are working with Annie and the Magana family trying to make sure they are ready for their baptism THIS SATURDAY! We are so excited to have 4 baptisms!

And as we know there is opposition in all things... We finally got in contact with Thelma and her boys... It had been over a week since we had seen them and we were worried because they had already missed one baptism date and we were trying to put them back on date. We had a good long chat with Thelma while we were waiting for the intense thunder storm to pass... Sister R and I ended up leaving in sadness. Thelma explained to us that her husband doesn’t want them to get baptized :( We were a little taken back by it. The husband doesn't join in the lessons but he also said he doesn't care what they do. We've even asked him what happens if they get baptized and he said that’s fine they can do whatever they want. But in the end when it really came down to it... he doesn't want them to do it. Thelma and her husband are also not married and we asked her if that's something she wants...she said yes...but he's never asked me. It was sad to hear that. It’s sad to see how simple Satan works. Not being married is such a simple thing and yet in Heavenly Father’s eyes it’s huge! We are planning to still work with them and read the BOM with them and we hope that that can show Josh the dad that they really do want to get baptized :) the small and simple things can bring great things to pass :)

Yesterday we also found a new investigator. His name is Roy. He has never had church in his life and he's never really learned about Jesus Christ. He has had a rough past, but turned away from all the bad things when we he realized he needed to be a dad and a father to his two kids. He now is such a great dad and really loves his kids. Right now he is only interested in learning about church stuff for his kids, but he says he hopes that eventually it all sinks in and he can become a “believer”...Sister R and I said we can definitely help you become a “believer” hahaha... He loved church yesterday so that is a huge start. He said he will be coming every Sunday. This man is going to become a believer!

Again, I see how Heavenly Father works... He doesn't give us everything all at once. But as we work for our learning he makes all things...everything...possible! This man has so much potential! We are excited!

So the other day... We were walking around and we ran into Annie. A thunder storm started rolling in and it was about to pour. As we were talking this HUGE thunder came crackling in, it was so loud! Annie looked up to the sky and said “WOW! Sounds like God is moving the furniture getting the mansion ready for us!” We lauuuughed... it was funny! But then I got to thinking about it later. Wow! How amazing is this woman. She understands God more than I do. She is so close to him and His gospel already and now the things we are teaching her is just putting gas on her fire. Annie is the most amazing investigator I have ever been blessed to meet. The lessons we have with her just get better and better. I'm pretty sure she invited the WHOLE town to her baptism ;) She tells everyone she sees. I love going and teaching her because actually she teaches me. The gratefulness she has towards our Father in Heaven is humbling. Yesterday after church... she reached into her bag and got out two purple pens, she knows that's Sister R's and my favorite color...she said I found these in a box I had. I want you to have them. We tried to refuse, considering she doesn’t have anything to begin with but she insisted. She said I have so much...I must give. Why is it that those who don’t have much or anything at all still gives to others and still serves...but those who have everything don’t do either. It makes me think about life a lot more. No matter what situation I may be in... Am I still going to be giving? And am I still going to be willing to give everything I have and still feel blessed? I’m not sure what the future is going to bring me...but I know that no matter what happens... I want to be like the Savior and still give when there may not be much to give at all.

I think about you mom... You are always giving- even in times of struggle. You may not have much, but you still help those around you! I love that about you. I know that is a Christ like quality that everyone can see. I am so blessed to have a mom that can show me how to be a good person, loving, and also Christ like.

We may not be perfect nor close to what we think we “should” be, but I know that our Heavenly Father loves us anyway! He knows us so perfectly and knows what we need. He wants to help us, but sometimes he waiting for us to ask. This week as you go about your day, ask Heavenly Father to help you be more Christ like. Who knows what he may show you or teach you :)

I came across a scripture in D&C 18: 13-19 it was a really interesting read. As you read it... think about the tools our Heavenly Father has given us to help us in His work. What tools do we have to strengthen ourselves?

Ooooooh I got to make HOMEMADE Tamales this week! Pictures :)

I think that’s all... I can’t wait to tell you about the baptisms this week!!! It’s going to be amazing!

Mom...I love you like allllll the rain drops we've been getting here because then it’s not sooooo hot :)


 love you all! May god bless you in your adventures this week :)

 Until next week!

Sister Larsen

Rain in Beaver & All kinds of Crops are Growing!

Welcome to Beaverville.. Where we can’t decide if we want the Sun or the Rain‏                
Dear family!

Sad to hear about the M&M markets but I think the Ranchero Market was a perfect place! Thanks for taking your time to do that. I am waiting in anticipation as to what we're going to find! Thank you for putting that stuff together :) You're the best!

Tell Bud thanks for taking care of my car :) …. I told Elder Woolley who is in charge of cars... “I will never drive this kind of car in my life ever again!” He just laughed. The car we are driving is seriously crazy! I feel like a million dollars every time I get in it. We feel sick driving to the trailer parks when we visit our investigators, so we park outside and walk to it.

We had a zone meeting this week and all the Elders wanted to steal our car! haha

We did meet “President Center” and Wife... They are from Ohio. He is (was) a vet. His Wife is super hyper and hilarious! We like her already! She gave us three rules “ 1: no trampolines 2: no energy drinks 3: DONT BE STUPID!” hahaha We haven’t heard that word for a year it was shocking that that came out of her mouth. We didn’t say words like that. President Leonard was really strict on what we said and how we talked. I think this change will be a good one. They seem like really caring people. No huge changes to the mission yet so that’s good! It was sad to see the Leonards go... President bawled! It was sad.

The girls are SOOOOOO big! Their hair is outrageous now! I can’t believe it! They both look so “hip” now! Bailee and I have matching bangs :) I shouldn’t have gotten bangs’s so hot here and super humid. I forget what humidity feels like. At the end of the day I look like I just got out of the shower in my clothes :/ hahaha But it’s all good.

We just heard about the Yarnell fire because we have one in Beaver County... SO SAD! So Sad to hear that was Jake’s family. I will pray for them. I hope everything works out for them. I can’t believe it was 19 people!

 So you know the "Swen” story... So we prayed that we could be kept away from him and that we wouldn't have any problems when we would go over there. Prayer answered! The other day we were over there talking to our investigator. We were in plain sight... Swen walked out of his apartment walked straight to his car and left. Not one word to us... then when he came back he got out of his car and walked straight back inside. There was never a moment when we felt scared and he didn't even say a word to us. I know Heavenly Father was protecting us again and knew that we needed to be able to talk to our investigators and not be worried about what was going to happen next. I love seeing miracles and feeling the peace that comes from them.

So this week was kind of stressful! I had to take care of the Sisters here...get them settled more and then go on exchanges with them. We had two days in our area because of all our meetings and meeting President but it all turned out well. I am learning yet again mother that “it’s how you say it” I really stink at it apparently because I’m learning more and more. I had different experiences this week with the Sisters that I realized I need to work better on that. Ugh! I’m having a tough time giving up part of my area and watching someone else do work that I’ve worked on for months. I think it would have been better if I just left completely. Their bishop hasn’t really made it all that easy either... We tried to talk to him the other day about an investigator we are teaching still and he said “Well you’re not my missionaries, what do you want me to do?” I got so frustrated! Sister R has been helping me a lot to just let things go and help me to remember that it’s not about the Bishop or the’s about the Lord’s work and we just need to focus on that. She been helping me to rely on the Lord more and more and helping me to not become “so stressed” which is a project in its self because I’m just that kind of person. It’s funny because things have been going smoothly for the past 4 months and I feel like we were just cruzin' and then wham! Heavenly Father put in learning curves this transfer! I know that he knows what we need and he wants us to just become perfect. I know he does things because he also loves us. P*A*C*E : Positive attitude changes everything. I know that to be true. Sometimes when we struggle and we change our thoughts or we get in the dumps... it makes things a lot harder. So this week no matter what the Bishop says to us or whatever happens with the Sisters...I’m going to be positive and remember that I’m NOT the one in charge. Heavenly Father is and I need to just give it all to him and let Him work it out.

This week we had an amazing dinner/lesson with the Magana family (witch family) We ate a humble dinner with them...rice and corn and a tortilla... and then had a lesson with them. The dad sat in on the lesson and hoooooly cow! We thought he was anti and didn’t want to listen to us. But the lesson we had with them... he asked us “Why do Catholic people pray to Saints...when they can just talk straight to God?” The Mormon church is so right! Sister R and I just sat there in amazement! He was so proud of his family for going to church and also preparing to get baptized. We asked him to be baptized right then and there and he said.... “ahhh I’ll wait till they do it then maybe I’ll do it” hahaha we laughed but was really sad at the same time. We are working sooooo hard on getting him to church now...we are determined to get him baptized :)

We also had some amazing lessons with Annie (fish lady) We talked to her about Word of Wisdom and she told us, “I quit last night.” I know that the things you are teaching me are true and I felt I need to change. I don’t have any money anyways to keep buying those darn cigarettes. We hadn’t even taught her that yet. So we reviewed it...taught her the blessings and moved on. This lady is amazing. Everything we are giving her she is just is soaking it up and applying everything. We taught her Plan of Salvation this week also and then at church she went around telling everyone that this is our probationary state- we need to get with the program! We need to be better!” haha Sister R and I just laughed. She is going to whip these people into shape. She reads her BOM every night and reads almost 5 chapters. She comes back the next day and with knowledge of things that aren’t even written in the book. Heavenly Father is teaching her and it’s amazing to watch. I learn something new from her every time we teach her. This week instead of a fish...she shared her apples and peanut butter. haha I think we're all getting “fed” when it comes time for Annie's lessons...Spiritually and physically :D

Miracles are all around us here in Beaver! There are many other things that happened this week.

Mom....I love you like alllll the rain we got here in Beaverville! Our crops are going to go crazy! :)


I pray that you know how special you are. You are a son/daughter of God! Everything happens for a reason. Learn from it, become stronger! Don’t let life tear you down.

You don’t need a name tag to be a missionary! Do your part. Speak the language of Love to all those you see!