Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Baptisms in Beaver, Utah

(Yes I know I'm a month behind on Sister Larsen's blog. Been busy planning our school's big 50th anniversary celebration. Now that is over & it's finally Spring Break....I'm getting caught up!) Enjoy
Welcome to Beaver...WE'RE HAVING BAPTISMS!!!‏                                                          

Dear familia,

 I love you. I love the Gospel. I love our Savior!

 Hahahaha that Mattas story was funny! I laughed and then had to tell my comp she laughed too! I have been craving gooood salsa too. WE haven’t eaten with any Hispanic families lately so we have been eating turkey and ham allooooot…I thought the holidays were over??? Not when we come over.

 Glad you got my letter.  I hope they help and sooo glad you got Sis Bo's letter too! She was soooo excited to send that to you. I’m not sure what she said in her note but I do know what pics she sent…that turkey! How’d you like the one I got stuck in the car…yeeeeah she left me there for a good 5 minutes while she was laughing. I had tears of crying and of laughter. I thought my arm was going to break because it was stuck underneath the seat. Ooooh the adventures we go on here in Beaver! We will look out for your letters. Thank you for writing her one. I think she will love it. Glad grandpa got his card and liked it! I hope he knows I love him!

Glad Bud is home safe! Sad to hear everyone is sick. That doesn’t sound fun at all! I pray for them every night. I will add in there to make them better. I hope Leah and her family can get over all that crud. I think Beaver is finally getting past it! I haven’t gotten sick yet crossing my fingers and knocking on wood! I have been downing my vitamins like crazy and sharing with Sister Bo. We both are back in our bubble and have been working like crazy!

 Mom…I love hearing about your Family History class! Keep working on it! Sister Bo and I have been working on trying to learn it so we can help people here in Beaver and I know that it is also the Lords work! We are making a difference when we help those on the other side. Between your side and dad’s side we have lots to do. I’d love to help you when I get home!

 Mom…I know your event will be perfect …don’t stress.  Loving hearing about it and how proud you are! Keep up the good work!
Soooooo Beaver is boooooming! We found 7 new investigators this week! Soooo a total of 9 investigators we are teaching! I know that doesn’t add up to what I said last week but we had to drop some this week too :/ So this week we have 2 BAPTISMS! Wooohoooo! We had a lady call us and say I have been investigating the church for several years now and I am getting married in March… Can I get baptized?! Whaaaaaaat?!?! Oh my goodness! Mom! This lady was so amazing! We met her on Saturday and interviewed her to see what she knew and what she had learned and also to determine what she might need to be taught. As Sister Bo and I were talking to her I instantly knew that she was prepared. This lady grew up Quaker and was very against the LDS church. She totally dismissed the BOM. THEN her life fell apart… she decided to leave her long-term marriage and get away from the bad situation she was faced with. Her world was crashing down and she didn’t know how to fix it. Then she met this man. He is a member, she would go hiking with him and what not but she said NOTHING would ever happen between them because he was “LDS”. He never brought up religion with her… he said he was just going to live his life and be her example, and wait to see what happened. Low and behold… several months later she decided to go to church with him… then she decided to read the BOM and then…. 3 days ago she decided that everything she ever knew was wrong and that what we have is the truth and it’s from GOD. Ok ok so this is mucccch shortened version of her story ….but can you see what I see??? We can all be missionaries! We don’t have to have nametags to do His work and help others come to know of the truth. Sister Bo and I did no teaching….she taught us. She taught me so much about our Savior and about how allll things are possible! The Lord knows who we are! He knows what we need and how to fix us. HE KNOWS! He fixed Leslie’s life in ways she never thought were possible and now she is happier than she has ever been! BAPTISM IS ON THURSDAY! We are sooooo excited!!!

 THEN! We found this family of 7… they were supposed to get baptized about a year ago but had falling out with some Elders and never got baptized. We got them to come back to church this Sunday and they decided to get baptized in MARCH! We are so excited for them and sad that they weren’t able to have the awesome blessing for the past year. The Elders also told them that their children could not get baptized till they were 13-14… IDK what those Elders were thinking but when we told mom that her kids could get baptized at 8 she got so excited and said GREAT! I have 3 kids that are above 8…they need to be baptized as well!

 THEN… Sister Bo and I went to this house when we first got into town and this man answered and said NO! We are Catholic! And shut the door…so we walked away. This week this man (recent convert) called us and said hey! I have a friend that wants to be baptized come over! We go over to their house and oooooooh my goodness it’s the same man we talked to weeks before. He has been watching his friend change over time and get baptized and he wants the same thing! Oooh and his daughter has been going to church for the past 6 months.

 Again…The lord knows us and what we need and he slowly helps change us. He DOES answer our prayers. And he DEFINITLY answers Sis Bo’s and my prayers as well. We have been praying so hard for this area and how we can help it… and Heavenly Father found us worthy of Miracles!

 Things in the mission are amazing and we are seeing great things come to past.

 This week is transfers… so I’ll keep you updated on that.

 Pray that I may have the spirit to understand what these people are saying.

 I see more and more why the Lord wanted me on a mission… my life changes every day and all can think about is how am I going to put this into action… how am I going to teach all my “many” children these things ;) … I find myself thinking about how I only have this year left on my mission… I don’t want this to ever end. It’s dang hard but it’s so worth it!

 Family,  may we always remember that the little things are our greatest tools! Jesus Christ gave His all and all he asks us to do is Read, Pray out loud, and Repent. Each day we can be better and each day we can come closer to our ultimate Celestial Goal. Don’t allow the world to drain out your spiritual growth.

 I love you allll…thank you for being and doing your best!

 Mom…. I get the best valentines gift ever! I get to be part of a baptism! Wooohooooo!!!!

 I love you like allll the water molecules that go into the baptismal font…that’s a loooot! And it’s worth it!



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