Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Eight Months!

Welcome to Beaver…The battle for spiritual freedom is on!
Dear family…

 IT’S MARCH?! What in the world…where is my life going?? I can’t believe how fast time is going by!! So I am on my official EIGHTH month mark….ahhhh!

 Mom....sooooo happpppy for you and your celebration!!! It looked like blast! Tell everyone I said hello too :) Glad it’s over and you can focus on other things now.
(I'm soooo glad it's over now too!!) :)

 This week was pretty crazy for us! We came home every night falling asleep, so we planned and just crashed! I think I've been having crazy nights because I will wake up in the morning and allll my blankets and pillows will be all over the ground and I will be in some weird spot. Sister Bo said one night – I got in a fight with her and was yelling at her. She didn’t talk to me all morning and then all of the sudden she says, “are you okay?” “Why were you so mad at me last night?”  I said what are you talking about??...YEP, I was dead asleep and had no idea! I felt bad :/

 We have a family of 5 who are being prepared to be baptized this next week. We are sooooo excited! It’s a mom and dad and 3 kids. They are doing really well and can’t wait to be baptized. We are also getting bolder with our Less-Active families that are struggling getting to church. We fiiiinally got one family to Sacrament yesterday and the mom said…I think we’ll come next week  (smile)… we said “We look forward to it!” haha I think they felt the spirit and they missed having the feelings. They are good good people just got priorities mixed up a little. I realized this is an ongoing battle. Sooo many people don’t realize how much the gospel helps their lives. We were talking to this lady at dinner the other night and she was telling us this list she found from when she was Primary Pres. She said it was a list of 10 kids that never came. 1 died, 2 got married and another was doing something else….but that left 7 kids… allll 7 of those kids were now in and out of jail and their lives were just a mess. Think about it. If they had gone to Primary, where you learn to have good friends… good morals… good manners… all of these things. I just couldn’t help but to think about my little girlies. I want them to have the best life they possibly can.

This week Sister Bo and I went to a funeral for the lady I was telling you about that had alzhymers and cancer, she passed away and it was so sad. Her funeral service was gloomy and people were crying everywhere. I felt so bad watching these people who don’t understand a thing about God’s plan. We are working with her husband and trying to teach him more. We also went to another funeral (We’ve had 5 in the last week and 3 more to go) and it was so uplifting and people were laughing and telling stories about this lady. I’ve thought about your experience mom with your friend who passed away. It’s amazing to see what the Plan of Salvation can do for a family. Knowing that things will be okay and that we get to see them again…is so comforting. It doesn’t hurt as much.

 There is a family here we have grown really close to. We’ve spent a lot of time with them. On Sunday we were talking to the mom. We were just talking about their family and how things were going and how their trip went. We then realized that the dad wasn’t with them again. I asked does your husband work every Sunday (he’s a trooper)? She just starts bawling. Ahh I wasn’t expecting that! She said no. He hasn’t come since we were married. My Heart just broke. She said when the Elders were here he didn’t want anything to with them. Then you came along. He hasn’t been the same. He has been talking to you… he loves you coming over here. He wants to listen to the things you have to say. THAT’S why I love and always want you to come over. I was hoping that within time he would finally come again. Wow! I was not expecting that at all. He is like our “Beaver dad” he is always so protective of us and does anything for us. I thought a lot about him last night as I was lying in bed and I realized that maybe just maybe this is why Sister Bo and I are here… is to help this man and help the spirit bring their family back together. Even as a missionary… you think you know families and you think you understand them, but really until they know how much you care about them… you never get the full story.

 Being a missionary has brought so many things to light and I think I understand people just a little bit better, but really it’s only a small part of His plan.

 Don’t forget how powerful your prayers can be and how much your scriptures are meant for YOU!

 Family… I know that this “church” isn’t perfect…but the GOSPEL is. We will never understand it until we apply it for ourselves.

 May Heavenly Father bless you in all your tasks and adventures.

 I love you!

Mom, I love you like…I love the German Chocolate Natalie sent me! …PS SHE IS PREGNANT!!!!  hoooow fun!


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