Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sounds like AZ weather...Bipolar & Clock changes too!

Welcome to Beaver... Never sure what kind of day it’s going to be, snow or sun...we're bipolar!


 Dear Familia,

 Do you know what it feels like to lose an hour of sleep??? Well we do! I hate Utah and their time changing issues. I think I might just stay in AZ for the shear fact that we don’t have to change our clocks :P haha

 Mom…I feel your pain when it comes to Spanish now. I have been struggling big time this week with it. It’s so hard to speak English all the time and then randomly go to an apartment and have to speak Spanish. But our investigators are patient with me and understand. hahaha I say a lot of funny things. I’m not sure I will be staying here another transfer : ( We had interviews with president this past week and he talked about sending me back to the VC : ( I’m not sure how I feel about it…but I guess I won’t worry about it till it gets here. The Lord knows what’s best right? (…I know I know...of course He does.)

 Mom, Glad you got my letter! Glad you liked the High Five : ) hahaha  … oooh yeah and that dumping picture…its right in the middle of a trailer park on the North end of town. It’s a sketchy place, especially at night. But Sister Bo and I were dying looking at that hole with that sign. Gooood Ol’ Beaver! You like our Valentine’s picture?? We did that for Leslie’s baptism. So fun!

 Sister and I have been pretty busy, but we would always like more. We have a baptism of a family of 5 this Saturday…IN SPANISH! It’s going to be awesome! I have to say the opening prayer, I’m really nervous!

 Mommas don’t get melancholy… You’ve got lots of pictures to look at : ) AND you are free to write me a letter anytime! Haha

 Haven’t heard from Jerry since he got home, not sure what he’s up to. Kolby has been super busy in his area, which he’s happy about : )

 I love that scripture you sent me! Thank you. I am sharing it with Sister Bo too. I think we needed that. She has been stressing about lots of different things lately. I think it will help her J

 Here in Beaver Sister Bojorquez and I and are trying out new finding ideas….BUDDY…what were some things you did to help you find. We have tried everything in PMG and things others have suggested.  We have now asked all the wards to only sign us up for Less-Active families to eat with. All the wards have pretty large populations of Less-Actives. If it doesn’t help us in finding we hope that we can at least start working with those that need to come back to the Gospel.

 This Sunday was suuuuuch a good Sunday for us! I felt like I was at Disneyland…even though I have no idea what that feels like….anyways.  We are finally getting more of our investigators to attend church! Yesterday we had the opportunity to speak in one of our 9 am wards. We were excited because we haven’t spent very much time in this particular ward. It’s older and all the people are spread out eeeeverywhere so it hard to keep track of the people. We decided to go around everywhere we possibly could in the boundary and tell everyone we were speaking. Many Less active families we invited said they would go. We were excited!

 Remember me telling you about a lady named Malinda? We have been working with her since we got here and it’s been a tough struggle. We haven’t been able to get her to come back to church. BUT she came to hear us talk. It wasn’t her ward but we said that it didn’t matter…it’s still church! THAT’S A START! When she first walked in she was all stressed looking and by the time she left after our talks…she was different and seemed not so stressed. She felt the spirit!  

 AND Claudia, she is an older lady we have been working with. We haven’t gotten far with her because she has been in and out of the hospital. But she finally got better and has been able to get out of her house. She came to church to hear our talks as well. She told us she was only going to go to the first meeting and then go home. She wanted to start off slow and work her way into church. She STAYED for the WHOLE thing! She loved church! She was pretty tired by the end of it, but she said she was glad she stayed. When we heard that she stayed, it was like I just won a marathon or something!! I got this exciting feeling and I knew that Heavenly Father was there with her giving her strength to stay and learn. I was so happy! J

 We only have 3 ward blocks and we managed to make it to 5 different wards for different meetings….talk about a roller-coaster of a day. It was so worth it.

 I never realized how much we “members” take advantage of church! We just think it’s another thing we go to or are a part of. I’m really learning how to appreciate church more and how to be a better “student” when I attend. We need to appreciate it for all that it is and can be.

 Mom and Dad… There is a girl here…her name will be Hermana White…she is from Beaver and is going to Mesa for her mission, Spanish speaking. I gave her your info so she can contact you. I hope she does. Keep a look out for her  : ) Feed her if you see her : ) (We would love to feed her and anything else she needs, hope we get to meet her!)

 Did you know Gilbert is becoming its own mission??? CRAZY!

 Well familia… off for another adventure here in Beaver Utah!

 Love you all!!!! Don’t forget the small and simple things….church, prayers, scriptures. You’d be surprised what treasures that Lord has in store for you!

 Mom, I love you as much as I loved the omelet I had for dinner the other night at a member’s house. It was awesome! Buuuuut not as good as yours, I missed you that night.

Sister Larsen

Tell Grandma Thanks for the box! Tell gramps thanks for the card!!!!! : )

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