Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Staying in Beaver for another 6 weeks! Habla Espanol

Welcome to Beaver....Where we will be staying for another 6 weeks!‏     J                        2/18/13

 Brother! Oh how I have missed hearing from you! I talk about you all the time because people always ask about our families. I am so glad I got to hear a little bit about your life. Glad to hear you are loving your business! That’s a good thing! Glad you had fun on your trip and you got to go with Matt.

 HOLY COW! Bronson is home already?!?!?!?! That went by sooo fast! Did you happen to see the Porters there?? They are a blonde couple...I knew them in Flagstaff. He is doctor now. His wife is supppper tall and pretty. idk maybe you didn’t see them...but I am so glad he had good experiences! wow! I can’t believe he is home.

Glad to see you made it through the trial of your faith and in the end you were rewarded ;) hahah it seems like every day is a trial of our faith here in Beaver. We have reeeealllly gooood days and then the next day is like we are starting from square one. The Lord has been strengthening me a lot while I’ve been here. I hope that I will carry these things forever and completely become the person the Lord wants me to be.

 I wish I could hear little booger! :) I miss you all! Glad to see you are happy and well. You’re your little family I love and miss them. Thank you brother for taking time to write me. I love you. I can’t wait to share real mission experiences with you and talk mission. This is really the greatest thing I have done. I have learned way more here than I ever did in college...funny how that is. I have been thinking a lot about school and what I should do with my life...I think Heavenly Father is changing everything. ha.

 Well keep living your gospel lifestyle and be the example this world needs to see. Especially for the boys you are now teaching... be the hero they need in their lives!

 We did get your cards :) THANK YOU! Grandma also sent us a box ;) loots of goodies J
Mom.... I haven’t heard much from Tim either. Her missionary is home and I think they are just busy. Not really sure what she is up to. I pray everything is going well though. I told her if the bells start to ring that she better let me know!

 Ok ok so this week was a heck of a whirl wind! We were alll over the place this week and exhausted! We have been working with this lady and her husband for a while now...her husband is not too open to the gospel but he lets us come over. His wife has alzhymers and so many of our conversations with her are limited and almost the very same each time. We have been working with her to soften the husband and try to get him to talk to us too. Well she now has cancer and only has a month to live. We went over on Saturday to check on them and within one week she went from healthy looking to skin and bones. He just cried. He doesn’t know how to help her and all she does now is lay in one of their chairs and just talks to herself. It’s sooo sooo sad. We tried to talk to him about families and how the gospel helps us through times like these and he didn’t let us get much said. I feel so bad for this man because all he knows is that she is dying and that’s it! He doesn’t know that there can be more and that she is going to a better place. I have been praying that maybe after she passes away he will be a little more open to what we have to offer. I pray that right now he is just hurting and in time he will want to have a better relationship with his Father in Heaven.

 Allll week we have been preparing Leslie for her baptism and helping get everything together. I wish I could send you a picture of our outfits we wore for her. Since her baptism was on Valentine’s Day Sister Bo and I dressed up in pink and purple. It was awesome! We walked in and she just lit up...she was so excited to see us. It was soooo cool to see her future husband baptize her. It was definitely a tender moment for them. She also got up and bore her testimony and wow! I have never had someone bare such a powerful testimony. She is strong in the gospel already and will forever be someone who teaches life-long members how to live the gospel. I am so excited for her! She also invited us to her wedding which is in a couple of weeks. Not sure we are going to be able to go... but I hope that I can stay in contact with her. Leslie is an extreme canyoneer :) Maybe when I get back in shape I could go with her ;) haha BEST VALENTINE'S IV'E EVER HAD! I already had a date too...Sister Bo! :)

 Samantha’s baptism! Ooooh boy this one was an adventure. So we were running a little late from a previous appt we had and so we were rushing into the parking lot when all of the sudden we see tons of cars and all these people around...then the Quick Response came and then the ambulance came. Everyone in the ambulance get out in jeans and t-shirts... I started laughing and said ooooh Beaver! really?!. Well we walk up to everyone and this old man is on the ground and this little old lady is trying to figure out what to do. Great-Grandma and Grandpa traveled down for Sam’s Baptism and when they were getting out of the car, he fell out! He got scraped up and hurt his knee :( .... there were lots of little girls around and they were alll crying and poor Sam was just sobbing. She looked all cute in her super white dress and her face was dark red :( ... about 30 minutes later everything got all settled and they started the baptism. It was soooo special. Emotions were already running high...the spirit made it even worse. The opening song was sung by Sam and she sang “When I am baptized" ... I love that song anyways... but in the middle she started to cry and she couldn’t finish her words...so her dad started to sing with her and ooooooh man! When he started to do that EVERYONE was crying! I didn’t even expect it but I had tears running down my face. She asked her 16 year old cousin to baptize her and that too was really special. He was sooooo nervous but did a great job. He was so nervous about the prayer he forgot she needed to go all the way under ;) ... Her dress flew up and they had to do it all over again. They got it the second time and he was relieved. The rest of the program went well and it was soooo amazing to see two people come into the gospel this week.

We had to thank our Heavenly Father for giving us these miracles. We have been working so hard here in Beaver and will for the next 6 weeks. I am still with Sister Bo... I guess we make a good pair!

 Beaver has definitely been a place of learning and growing. I have learned so much about myself and things that I need to work on and be better. I know that we are sent to places for many reasons...I am excited to see what these next 6 weeks bring!

 Well off to do what we do best!

 Mom....I loooooove you like all the mashed taters you’ve been eating... I hope it’s not too much more... but I love you lots anyways. I appreciate all that you do in this world!

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