Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Sisters are planning someone's wedding??

Welcome to Beaver...We're going to have a wedding!                                     ‏                            2/4/2013

Dear family,

Mom…Her name is Hermana Bojorquez (aka Sister B) J

Beaver is warming up. We have been able to go out without our jackets…woohooo!

THEN we got slammed with a storm. It snowed for two days strait! We got 5-6 inches in one day. It was awful! I almost slid the car (4WD) into a ditch and then almost T-boned another car, lost my name tag and then had all our appts. cancelled. We were hating the snow that day haha

The other day (it was warm) we were walking up and down the streets and this lady saw me without my jacket and she got so mad. She works at the hospital and she said “where is your jacket, don’t you know that the influenza is going around?!” hahaha I just laughed. We later thought….what does my jacket have to do with the flu...not quite sure haha

I didn’t get pics of the food storage…but I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. We ate so much yummy foods at her house it was awesome!

This week we found 4 NEW INVESTIGATORS!!! We got a call from a bishop that two people were coming into town and that they wanted to learn more about the church. We met them on Monday and on Saturday they were on date to be baptized. Not only are we planning their baptism date we are also having to plan their wedding! Wooohooo! We are excited! I haven’t planned a wedding yet ;) They are really, really great people who Sister B and I have come to love. Sister B and I have had our ups and downs with Beaver but no matter what we really love this place. It is starting to grow in so many ways. It’s amazing to come into an area that is dead and then see the goodness that it can have. Sister B and I have also grown so much together these past two weeks. It’s amazing what you can learn from others if you allow yourself to. Transfers are in two weeks and Sister B and I are scared they are going to change us :/ I would be really sad.

This week we saw many miracles with people as we tried to be exactly obedient. After traveling 680 miles around town and going into woods we didn’t even know existed… We now have 13 investigators we are working with. It’s awesome!  Well sorry I didn’t have as much time to write today.

I hope all is well and everyone is happy!!

Mom… I love you like all the sunshine we have been getting  and that’s a good amount! J

Talk to you next week!


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