Saturday, September 22, 2012

Welcome to Utah, Where Its Raining like no one's business!‏


Helllllo familia,

TRANSFERS! This week is transfers and Sister Tornar and I will still be training in same area for the next 6 weeks. TIME HAS FLOWN BY! I can’t believe I am here and made it to my second transfer.

MOM! Your pictures are wicked! I can’t believe what it looks like! They must have done some serious work! I hope things are getting better and you are feeling better. Sorry things didn’t go like you thought :/ I understand though... no rush on my stuff. Sounds like everyone in the family had an eventful week with all this craziness going on. Glad you had family near you to take care of and love you.  I am so grateful for this life we have and to have families. I love this gospel and the power of the priesthood we have to help in times of need.

Glad you got my letter right before you went in... :)

Last P-Day was nuts! Mom, Remember Little Jacque...I rode up to Flag with her and went to her wedding? She and her hubby came to the VC and saw me. It was really great to see her. It was hard to because I felt like I should have been out working. We didn’t talk very long... but seeing her helped me. The Lord knows what we need!

This week I met my first ANTI- Mormon. He started yelling at Sister Tornar and me. I had no idea what to do. Sister Tornar just starting laughing. She likes to battle for a few minutes and then just walks away. I was so lost....and instantly I had these feelings of unhappiness... I knew that I didn’t have the spirit and we needed to go on. Sister Tornar and I walked away and had to start singing and doing other things that brought the spirit back. It was intense.

Our area is slowing down so we are trying to find new investigators. We currently only have 4 that we are working with. We prayed this week we could better understand our investigators. And that we could better understand their needs. The Lord showed us. Each one of our investigators has some serious issues in their life. I felt like a councilor this week trying to talk to people and help them with their issues. It really helped me to connect with them though and learned to love them just a little bit more. I know that no matter what is going on in our lives...the Gospel can help it, fix it, and allow us to transform. Sister Tornar and I are beginning to see great things come about.

This week I was talking to a Sister about how I was struggling with some things and a little bit with Sister Tornar still... As we were talking I realized that God and President put me here right now in everything that I am doing for a reason. I have been so focused on ME that I haven’t been able to see my talents/ abilities. President knew that out of all the new sisters I would be able to handle all of these things. I knew then I needed to have a change of heart and learn to just be happy and love. I took it to heart and I starting just being me. I started doing the things I knew I could do and handle and letting go of the rest. This week I focused on my daily tasks rather than my mission tasks! I have been feeling a lot better. I haven’t been extremely overwhelmed and I have been focusing on Sister Tornar more. Her progression right now is far greater than my own. I know there are some days that I won’t be heard or days that I won’t be able to teach as well as I would like to...but those times will come. If I am patient like the Lord wants me to be.. I will see far greater things than I can imagine. I wonder how many times the Lord is going to help me see that I need to have grace and trust through trials. Can I just say that I am learning to LOVE the BOM more and more. Each day I mind gets blown. Several times this week I have read certain passages and then turned around and used them in lessons and/or on the street talking to people. I know that the BOM is for everyone. I know that as we studying it more and more each day and try to find answers the Lord will show us what we need. Prayer and the BOM go hand in hand. I wish our investigators could see that for themselves.

This past Sunday Sister Tornar and I have to talk in 4 separate meetings. We had a coordination meeting with all our ward mission leaders, then we got to teach a "Mission Prep" class, then we spoke in a ward at 9, 11 and 1. It was a crazy day!! I felt spiritually drained and our day wasn’t even over yet. We still have to end our day at the VC. One of my talks was on the 10 commandments for 15 minutes. I had NO idea what to talk about. As I prepared...I had many different ideas. I looked in the scriptures and began to write. I finish my talk somewhat and had this feeling it wasn’t right and I need to start over! I was devastated! Well it came down to Sat night and I re-wrote it... I was still writing it while waiting for my turn to speak. I was soooooo nervous! Was it going to be good?? I had no idea! Well I said a prayer and got up to the pulpit. I started to speak and instantly got calm. I trusted in the lord and knew that he would help me. I’m not really sure what I ended up speaking about, but everyone said it was great. Many said for the first time in a long time they stayed awake hahaha I just laughed! My trust in the Lord grew more on Sunday. I have no reason to be afraid and I have no reason to question. I know that in the end if someone rejects’s not really me they are rejecting; it is the Lord they are essentially rejecting. We must be bold as teachers and as members of the church- Let us not be afraid to share a message of happiness and joy!

Family I love you lots. I am so grateful to have you in my life and to learn from you each day.

I pray that as you go day by day, you remember who you are. You ARE a daughter and son of God. You are loved.

Life is going really well right now. I hope this week goes better for everyone this week :)

Love you lots.

Love you more than a tortoise loves the sun! xoxox

Talk to you next week :)

Printing pictures today :) PROMISE! Sending your way!

















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