Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hiiiiiiii :)            Part of an email 9/24/12

I think the Lord is answering my prayers....Gail and her cats keep cancelling her appts with us. I feel bad...but every time I got there I die. OH! one thing about the box though...I was hoping to get my prescription nose spray that is at Walmart... remember the one they kept calling you about before I left and then I said I would just get after I was there. It’s not a big deal. I will use the one you got me. But if the cats keep bothering me.... I might need the prescription one you might be able to forward it up here and I can always get it too. Its only 10-15 dollars.

SOOOO this past week..... Crazy! Last P-day was the best day ever!! The Lord was really looking out for Sister Tornar and me. We went Grocery shopping and Sister realized she left her Mission Credit card at home and she was kind of worried because she wasn’t sure if she had money on her own card.... THEN all of the sudden this lady came out of NO WHERE and gave us this card, it had $100 on it! :0 .... it paid for all of our food! We couldn’t have been more grateful then we were at that moment. We just looked at each other in amazement almost in tears. The Lord knew we needed that that day. Then later that day, I went to a bread store with another sister.I didn’t buy bread when I went to the store because I was going to wait another week to buy it.The lady asked if I wanted anything and I said no thank you, maybe next week. She gave me a free loaf of HOMEMADE bread- just for me! I couldn’t believe it! I felt bad for taking it, but she said that by helping us missionaries and providing for them, that’s how she receives her blessings. I had to take it- I didn’t want to deprive her of any blessings :) Again, the Lord loves us!

 Wed. was our Temple trip! muuuuuch needed!!! All the missionaries in the field came to the temple and we got to spend the morning all together. It was such a powerful experience! I really tried to put my mind to the things I was being taught and I realized so many things I had never before. I learned to have a more sacred vision to the things that he had and were learning.

Speaking of Temples....Yesterday we got to attend the Brigham City Temple dedication! It was such a cool experience! I have only been to the snowflake one and that was yeaars be reminded of the setting apart and special things that take place in order for the building to be set apart from the world. I learned a lot more about my Savior and what it’s going to be like when we meet again. I will cherish these moments for life.

 This week we had some fuuuny things happen to us. We went to a dinner at a member’s house and they had 2.5 little boys. The oldest boy was crazy and wild but so fun. We sat down to eat and all of the sudden he was under the table....The mom wasn’t worried...she just let him sit under there... all of the sudden he takes my shoes off and starts giving my feet and massage!!! I was like uuuuuh what in the world!! He yells up to us and says...don’t worry she has no athlete’s foot...the kid is THREE! How does he know what that stuff is?!?!? :0 I was laughing so hard!! Sister Tornar and I couldn’t eat because we were laughing so hard. He did that for the rest of dinner... both of my feet. He also had to check and make sure I didn’t step in any gum: P hahaha we went home that night and still laughed at what happened! It was a really good experience for Sister and I to laugh together...he hadn’t done that yet. It was really a great night. Then 2 days later we went to a family’s house to each with them. They had toooons of stuff in their yard and we were confused because they were in a reaaally nice area. We later found out they are bee keepers!! They showed us all their bees and honey and such. It kind of freaked me out! One of their daughters in allergic to bees too... but she tries to stay away from them... some people think to do crazy things.

 Miracle this week!:

One of our investigators dad had been inactive for many years....he received the priesthood yesterday and is now able to baptize his kids finally!!! So we might have 3 baptisms this weekend! We were so excited and love being part of this family’s life!

Then another investigator we haven’t seen for over a month (the one that looks like Theresa?? remember me telling you about her??) They randomly showed up to the VC to see Sister and me! We couldn’t believe it!! We were able to pick up right where we left off. Which that never happens when you’re teaching someone! It was such an amazing experience for us.

Our area is slowing down a little bit, but every day we miraculously are able to find at least one potential investigator.

So this week I have been thinking about what’s important and what is the greatest thing I could teach my investigators. I found this video on and it applies to Buddy and dad the most, but I want to share it with all. The message that is supplied in this video is so powerful and life changing. I hope you all watch it. Let me know what you get from it :)

 Dearest family, I know with all my heart that this gospel is the true and everlasting path of happiness. I know that as we show those around us that this isn’t just a religion, it is a life style... that it will be better understood. Our father in Heaven wants all of his children to know of him and come to him :) I have seen the power in scriptures! Each verse and line applies to our lives! We can gain so much from this special book we possess. Instead of just reading it... take a pencil and mark every time you read or read about Jesus Christ- You will be amazed!!!

 Life is great, Life is beautiful!

 I love you like there’s no tomorrow!

I hope you have a wonderful week.


 Sister Larsen 





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