Saturday, September 22, 2012

Part of an email sent 8/28/2012

Looked out the window and what did I see... "SIX CHAPELS ALL IN A ROW" :)‏



Loooooved the long email!  :) Sounds like life is pretty busy!

Speaking of Temple stuff... We got to clean the Temple today and actually we had to re-do all the tiles on a was sooo messing but great work It looked a lot better. We didn’t finish the whole thing but we made a good dent :) Then we got a tour of the WHOLE temple! It was soooo cool! We got to go to all the "special" places and even up in the tower. This temple is just simply amazing! So much history and really cool marking from the Pioneers that normal people don’t notice. I felt the spirit so strong even though there was so much noise from different things that were happening.

 Well this week has been pretty busy. I got to take another sister with me to my area (went on exchanges) and I got to show her my area and meet some of the people. We mostly walked around in the heat because no one was really home. I am getting tan these days :P ha-ha

Sister Tornar and I talked to this family who is "Bahai"...look that one up! It such an interesting religion. It is verrry close to LDS, but they don’t believe in Revelation (personal , etc) they have their own scriptures and everything. It’s only about 100-160 years old. The people were super nice!

This weekend Sister Tornar was supposed to have 4 baptisms...but now we are only going to have 1 :( ...again! We had this happen several weeks ago. We had 3 boys that were going to get baptized, but their parents weren’t members/inactive and so the bishop was going to do it. Well the dad recently lost his job, so he decided, well now I don’t have to work on Sundays soooo maybe I should just go back to church?!...So now he is trying to get reactivated so he can baptize his kids. It’s pretty cool how things work in people’s lives and Heavenly Father knows what’s best. It’s hard in the mission because people tend to get hung up on numbers and goals that were set...but in the long run when things like this happen... I know the family will be stronger and they will want to work harder together because of these hard decisions that they’re making now. The Feesago family is so awesome I love them!

So in the end...Tanner will be the only one being baptized this weekend...but we are soooo excited for him. He is so amazing. He is changing his life every time we meet with him. He recently told us he is having a hard time with his friends because he is now standing up for what he believes... for being just 17, this kid has more courage than I have seen in a long time. He knows that the things we are teaching him are for the best and he can’t wait to go to the temple! (Having lessons in the Temple garden sometimes gives people that extra "push" and wanting to be better :)  

I think I told about our miracle investigator Michael...The foster care kid... We invited him to a fireside this week. They have recent converts come and speak and tell their stories... we told him we think he would like it and he could see people that are similar to him. He said yeah sure I guess I could go to that. And then he says " It might take me a while to write something up, but I think I could speak there too if you don’t mind" Sister Tornar and I just laughed! We said, you don’t have to talk, we just want you to go and listen... :) he said oh..I thought I could speak. Michael is the sweetest and most sincere kid I have ever met! His love for people is really amazing. In our lessons he is always curious about how these things are going to bless his family or friends. He makes me almost cry every time I see him. We are waiting on baptism for him because of court stuff, but when the time is right... we are going to get him all set up :)

I also got to spend more time at Brigham’s this week. Each time I do a tour, I learn so many things about this man! I wish I would have known more about him before. Brigham young was such an amazing person.

Rob...I am teaching over the phone. I talked to him this week and he said that he has decided to not only stop smoking, but now he working on not drinking :) He finally got his BOM in the mail and is reading it. I told him he is going to take Fri, Sat and Sun to just read the whole thing. He said he doesn’t have anything better to do, so that’s what he’s going to do! How crazy is this?? I have never even seen this man and yet I am able to teach him about the gospel. I can’t wait till he is ready for the real missionaries :) in his area.

THANK YOU for being the best mom ever!! Love you lots! Hope this week treats you well.

Tell everyone I love them!

Hope to hear from them soon!!

Love you like a monkey love bananas!!

Try and stay cool!

 Talk to you next week...not sure what day ;)









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