Saturday, September 22, 2012


Goooood Grief! Can you believe I have been IN Utah for 8 weeks now?!

Time is flying by so fast!

Love the pictures :)

Love the letters from the girls too :) They made my day!

Love the support I see all around me.

Tell Grandma Thank you for the Box....I sent her a thank you letter in the mail but to her house.

 Mom, Glad you were able to go to different events this week and not stuck on the couch. Sad I couldn’t physically be there...but I was in spirit. Alana looks so beautiful!! Tell Buddy and Kendra they are amazing!

 Ok ok ok... so this week was an emotional week for me. Wed. morning we had a hard morning trying to contact people and NO one was home! Sister Tornar and I were looking forward to the VC to actually talk to people. I walked into the VC and started working on a project I needed for a lesson that night. One of the Sisters came up to me and said those ladies sitting in the front are waiting for you... ME?! Why I don’t even know them! I walk over there and all of the sudden.... I see Beth and she just started crying! She was so excited!! She said who she was and gave me a HUGE HUG! I was taken back and didn’t really know what to do. I then met Penny and we talked for a few minutes. We sat at the Christus for a good while and just talked. It was hard for me because all we had to talk about was you mom... I tried to talk about as much church stuff as possible because I didn’t want to think about you more than I already do. I then asked them if I could give them a tour...that way I was doing something productive and the other sisters would stop staring at us. We went and looked at the new art exhibit we have and then I took them around the actual temple. Beth just wanted to take pictures of everything and all of me. She couldn’t take her eyes off of me (it was kind of weird, but I understood) I know she loves me and you mom. It was a neat experience. I couldn’t believe she called president!! hahaha I laughed for a good 5 minutes about it. President is a funny man. I can’t believe he didn’t tell me ;) All in all it was a pretty cool experience!!

That night Sister Tornar and I had an appt with Michael again. We were teaching him the Plan of Salvation.. He started teaching us about it. He remembered things he learned at church and started to tell us. It was soooo cool! This kid goes from not knowing ANYTHING about teaching us about him! At the end we gave him a "Missionary Journal" we made for him to write down things he is learning or feelings he is having. By his reaction to it, I thought I gave him a million dollars. I couldn’t help but have tears in my eyes and he prayed and thanked God for the "spiritual tools" we gave him. Each day I get to see Michael, I realize how much I really have in my life. I see how grateful he is after all that has happened in his life and I strive to be like him for the rest of the week. We taught him how to pray, but really each time he teaches me how I should be praying. I love seeing how this gospel changes lives and how it strengthens us, even when we don’t expect it!

On Thurs. Sister Tornar and I went to this house to teach a lady whose house was dirty and she had cats :/ ... I almost died! The cat was all over my face :O ....I walked out of the house and told Sister Tornar that if I stop breathing’s the cat. She freaked out and said oh man! I forgot about the cat!...The whole rest of the day I was in a fog and didn’t feel good. Fri I was eh and Saturday I woke up full on sick! I had a massive sinus infection! I was so not happy. I could barely function and yet I had to move on and continue with the day. On Saturday we had to teach the lady again I was scared! I was with Sister Muir this time and again the cat jumped on me... She grabbed it and through it to the ground so fast! I was trying not to laugh while teaching but I was so grateful!

Sunday morning hit and I was not in good shape. I was worse than Saturday :/ ... I got up anyway...and headed to our 7am meeting. I had to talk to all the Ward Mission Leaders :/ ... It was crazy!

Well that morning we were in the VC and I was struggling. I went to Elder Morgans office (VC director) and ask him for a blessing that I may get through the day and be able to go through my 5 lessons I had later that day.

As he laid his hands on my head I instantly started to feel better. The blessing was beautiful and he talked about many things that I haven’t talked to him about before. There was a part about family and I just started to cry...then he talked about my mission and comp...I started to cry more. He finished and said well now that your nose is running you might be able to breathe! haha I couldn’t help but to laugh. We ended up talking for a bit about different things... in the end...after many tears... he grabbed me and gave me a huge. It was weird at first, but I knew it was because he loved me and truly wanted to help. Elder Morgan is like a grandpa to me. I realized more than ever... How much I depend on the priesthood and blessings and that I shouldn’t be slow to ask. If I feel like I need one that is because the Lord wants to help. Blessings are not just a once a month deal. In times of need and with much faith... Priesthood blessings are a direct line given to us by God to help us. I was so grateful for that experience. Monday Morning I was alive again and felt almost 100% better. Today I am fighting the end of it all but I have never felt this good so quick before when I have had one of these. I know the Lord wants me to work and continue to do my very best.

Mom...Thank you for sending me Paula’s letter....I had to grab more tissues myself ;) That was just what I needed today. I know I can and am a good missionary, just sometimes darn Satan knows how to get to me and makes me think otherwise. I am learning more and more everyday how to be a better missionary. I am so grateful for the Sisters that are around me to teach me. Sister Tornar thinks that next Transfer President is going to make me Train. That’s a scary thought!!! If it happens or doesn’t happen...we’ve still got time haha....but I know it will come from the Lord.


There have been many miracles this week with people we are teaching, taught and will soon be teaching. We met this lady that was a member, but hasn’t been to church in yeeeears. We asked her if we could teach her kids... she said well I don’t think you can...they don’t know anything about God or church. We said well perfect...that why we are here... we would love to teach your kids and help them come to understand. She sat there for a few minutes and finally said okay...maybe this is what I am supposed to give them. I have been looking for a way to give them something more because I just don’t think I am doing a good enough job. We set up a time to teach. We have had to wait a whole week and tonight we are teaching them. Last night we talked to the RS Pres and she asked us if we really had an appt with this family...we said yes! :) She said they haven’t let anyone in for years and they tell everyone they aren’t "church go-ers" did this happen? Sister Tornar and I looked at each other and just simply said "Miracle". The Lord knows they are ready for something more and now is their time!

The Lord works in mysterious ways!

I love being here and doing this great work.

I love you all - family and friends :)

May Heavenly Father bless you with all you need.

Love you love Crystal Light! :)

Can’t wait for box! Tomorrow we get to go to the Temple as a mission :) Pretty cool!

Oh and the Crepes...we had them with a member for dinner JUST for Sister Tornar :) They were delish!!! haha





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