Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hiiiiiiii :)            Part of an email 9/24/12

I think the Lord is answering my prayers....Gail and her cats keep cancelling her appts with us. I feel bad...but every time I got there I die. OH! one thing about the box though...I was hoping to get my prescription nose spray that is at Walmart... remember the one they kept calling you about before I left and then I said I would just get after I was there. It’s not a big deal. I will use the one you got me. But if the cats keep bothering me.... I might need the prescription one you might be able to forward it up here and I can always get it too. Its only 10-15 dollars.

SOOOO this past week..... Crazy! Last P-day was the best day ever!! The Lord was really looking out for Sister Tornar and me. We went Grocery shopping and Sister realized she left her Mission Credit card at home and she was kind of worried because she wasn’t sure if she had money on her own card.... THEN all of the sudden this lady came out of NO WHERE and gave us this card, it had $100 on it! :0 .... it paid for all of our food! We couldn’t have been more grateful then we were at that moment. We just looked at each other in amazement almost in tears. The Lord knew we needed that that day. Then later that day, I went to a bread store with another sister.I didn’t buy bread when I went to the store because I was going to wait another week to buy it.The lady asked if I wanted anything and I said no thank you, maybe next week. She gave me a free loaf of HOMEMADE bread- just for me! I couldn’t believe it! I felt bad for taking it, but she said that by helping us missionaries and providing for them, that’s how she receives her blessings. I had to take it- I didn’t want to deprive her of any blessings :) Again, the Lord loves us!

 Wed. was our Temple trip! muuuuuch needed!!! All the missionaries in the field came to the temple and we got to spend the morning all together. It was such a powerful experience! I really tried to put my mind to the things I was being taught and I realized so many things I had never before. I learned to have a more sacred vision to the things that he had and were learning.

Speaking of Temples....Yesterday we got to attend the Brigham City Temple dedication! It was such a cool experience! I have only been to the snowflake one and that was yeaars be reminded of the setting apart and special things that take place in order for the building to be set apart from the world. I learned a lot more about my Savior and what it’s going to be like when we meet again. I will cherish these moments for life.

 This week we had some fuuuny things happen to us. We went to a dinner at a member’s house and they had 2.5 little boys. The oldest boy was crazy and wild but so fun. We sat down to eat and all of the sudden he was under the table....The mom wasn’t worried...she just let him sit under there... all of the sudden he takes my shoes off and starts giving my feet and massage!!! I was like uuuuuh what in the world!! He yells up to us and says...don’t worry she has no athlete’s foot...the kid is THREE! How does he know what that stuff is?!?!? :0 I was laughing so hard!! Sister Tornar and I couldn’t eat because we were laughing so hard. He did that for the rest of dinner... both of my feet. He also had to check and make sure I didn’t step in any gum: P hahaha we went home that night and still laughed at what happened! It was a really good experience for Sister and I to laugh together...he hadn’t done that yet. It was really a great night. Then 2 days later we went to a family’s house to each with them. They had toooons of stuff in their yard and we were confused because they were in a reaaally nice area. We later found out they are bee keepers!! They showed us all their bees and honey and such. It kind of freaked me out! One of their daughters in allergic to bees too... but she tries to stay away from them... some people think to do crazy things.

 Miracle this week!:

One of our investigators dad had been inactive for many years....he received the priesthood yesterday and is now able to baptize his kids finally!!! So we might have 3 baptisms this weekend! We were so excited and love being part of this family’s life!

Then another investigator we haven’t seen for over a month (the one that looks like Theresa?? remember me telling you about her??) They randomly showed up to the VC to see Sister and me! We couldn’t believe it!! We were able to pick up right where we left off. Which that never happens when you’re teaching someone! It was such an amazing experience for us.

Our area is slowing down a little bit, but every day we miraculously are able to find at least one potential investigator.

So this week I have been thinking about what’s important and what is the greatest thing I could teach my investigators. I found this video on and it applies to Buddy and dad the most, but I want to share it with all. The message that is supplied in this video is so powerful and life changing. I hope you all watch it. Let me know what you get from it :)

 Dearest family, I know with all my heart that this gospel is the true and everlasting path of happiness. I know that as we show those around us that this isn’t just a religion, it is a life style... that it will be better understood. Our father in Heaven wants all of his children to know of him and come to him :) I have seen the power in scriptures! Each verse and line applies to our lives! We can gain so much from this special book we possess. Instead of just reading it... take a pencil and mark every time you read or read about Jesus Christ- You will be amazed!!!

 Life is great, Life is beautiful!

 I love you like there’s no tomorrow!

I hope you have a wonderful week.


 Sister Larsen 





Saturday, September 22, 2012

September 22, 2012


Your daughter is serving in our Washington Fields stake!! We had her over for dinner last week we sure did enjoy her.

We have a son serving in the Sacramento, CA mission and will be coming home in 6 weeks.

We have so many members send us a pictures or cute emails about our son!!

When I was telling my sister we had the sisters over for dinner the first thing she asked was did you take a picture and send an email to thier parents??? Well I didn't and have felt so bad. BUT I just passed them 10 minutes ago and told them I had to get a picture to send home. They both seemed so happy!!

What a beautiful daughter you have you should be very proud!!

Take care
Sharlene Leavitt



Goooood Grief! Can you believe I have been IN Utah for 8 weeks now?!

Time is flying by so fast!

Love the pictures :)

Love the letters from the girls too :) They made my day!

Love the support I see all around me.

Tell Grandma Thank you for the Box....I sent her a thank you letter in the mail but to her house.

 Mom, Glad you were able to go to different events this week and not stuck on the couch. Sad I couldn’t physically be there...but I was in spirit. Alana looks so beautiful!! Tell Buddy and Kendra they are amazing!

 Ok ok ok... so this week was an emotional week for me. Wed. morning we had a hard morning trying to contact people and NO one was home! Sister Tornar and I were looking forward to the VC to actually talk to people. I walked into the VC and started working on a project I needed for a lesson that night. One of the Sisters came up to me and said those ladies sitting in the front are waiting for you... ME?! Why I don’t even know them! I walk over there and all of the sudden.... I see Beth and she just started crying! She was so excited!! She said who she was and gave me a HUGE HUG! I was taken back and didn’t really know what to do. I then met Penny and we talked for a few minutes. We sat at the Christus for a good while and just talked. It was hard for me because all we had to talk about was you mom... I tried to talk about as much church stuff as possible because I didn’t want to think about you more than I already do. I then asked them if I could give them a tour...that way I was doing something productive and the other sisters would stop staring at us. We went and looked at the new art exhibit we have and then I took them around the actual temple. Beth just wanted to take pictures of everything and all of me. She couldn’t take her eyes off of me (it was kind of weird, but I understood) I know she loves me and you mom. It was a neat experience. I couldn’t believe she called president!! hahaha I laughed for a good 5 minutes about it. President is a funny man. I can’t believe he didn’t tell me ;) All in all it was a pretty cool experience!!

That night Sister Tornar and I had an appt with Michael again. We were teaching him the Plan of Salvation.. He started teaching us about it. He remembered things he learned at church and started to tell us. It was soooo cool! This kid goes from not knowing ANYTHING about teaching us about him! At the end we gave him a "Missionary Journal" we made for him to write down things he is learning or feelings he is having. By his reaction to it, I thought I gave him a million dollars. I couldn’t help but have tears in my eyes and he prayed and thanked God for the "spiritual tools" we gave him. Each day I get to see Michael, I realize how much I really have in my life. I see how grateful he is after all that has happened in his life and I strive to be like him for the rest of the week. We taught him how to pray, but really each time he teaches me how I should be praying. I love seeing how this gospel changes lives and how it strengthens us, even when we don’t expect it!

On Thurs. Sister Tornar and I went to this house to teach a lady whose house was dirty and she had cats :/ ... I almost died! The cat was all over my face :O ....I walked out of the house and told Sister Tornar that if I stop breathing’s the cat. She freaked out and said oh man! I forgot about the cat!...The whole rest of the day I was in a fog and didn’t feel good. Fri I was eh and Saturday I woke up full on sick! I had a massive sinus infection! I was so not happy. I could barely function and yet I had to move on and continue with the day. On Saturday we had to teach the lady again I was scared! I was with Sister Muir this time and again the cat jumped on me... She grabbed it and through it to the ground so fast! I was trying not to laugh while teaching but I was so grateful!

Sunday morning hit and I was not in good shape. I was worse than Saturday :/ ... I got up anyway...and headed to our 7am meeting. I had to talk to all the Ward Mission Leaders :/ ... It was crazy!

Well that morning we were in the VC and I was struggling. I went to Elder Morgans office (VC director) and ask him for a blessing that I may get through the day and be able to go through my 5 lessons I had later that day.

As he laid his hands on my head I instantly started to feel better. The blessing was beautiful and he talked about many things that I haven’t talked to him about before. There was a part about family and I just started to cry...then he talked about my mission and comp...I started to cry more. He finished and said well now that your nose is running you might be able to breathe! haha I couldn’t help but to laugh. We ended up talking for a bit about different things... in the end...after many tears... he grabbed me and gave me a huge. It was weird at first, but I knew it was because he loved me and truly wanted to help. Elder Morgan is like a grandpa to me. I realized more than ever... How much I depend on the priesthood and blessings and that I shouldn’t be slow to ask. If I feel like I need one that is because the Lord wants to help. Blessings are not just a once a month deal. In times of need and with much faith... Priesthood blessings are a direct line given to us by God to help us. I was so grateful for that experience. Monday Morning I was alive again and felt almost 100% better. Today I am fighting the end of it all but I have never felt this good so quick before when I have had one of these. I know the Lord wants me to work and continue to do my very best.

Mom...Thank you for sending me Paula’s letter....I had to grab more tissues myself ;) That was just what I needed today. I know I can and am a good missionary, just sometimes darn Satan knows how to get to me and makes me think otherwise. I am learning more and more everyday how to be a better missionary. I am so grateful for the Sisters that are around me to teach me. Sister Tornar thinks that next Transfer President is going to make me Train. That’s a scary thought!!! If it happens or doesn’t happen...we’ve still got time haha....but I know it will come from the Lord.


There have been many miracles this week with people we are teaching, taught and will soon be teaching. We met this lady that was a member, but hasn’t been to church in yeeeears. We asked her if we could teach her kids... she said well I don’t think you can...they don’t know anything about God or church. We said well perfect...that why we are here... we would love to teach your kids and help them come to understand. She sat there for a few minutes and finally said okay...maybe this is what I am supposed to give them. I have been looking for a way to give them something more because I just don’t think I am doing a good enough job. We set up a time to teach. We have had to wait a whole week and tonight we are teaching them. Last night we talked to the RS Pres and she asked us if we really had an appt with this family...we said yes! :) She said they haven’t let anyone in for years and they tell everyone they aren’t "church go-ers" did this happen? Sister Tornar and I looked at each other and just simply said "Miracle". The Lord knows they are ready for something more and now is their time!

The Lord works in mysterious ways!

I love being here and doing this great work.

I love you all - family and friends :)

May Heavenly Father bless you with all you need.

Love you love Crystal Light! :)

Can’t wait for box! Tomorrow we get to go to the Temple as a mission :) Pretty cool!

Oh and the Crepes...we had them with a member for dinner JUST for Sister Tornar :) They were delish!!! haha




September 18, 2012

JUST IN! Pictures of a girl Sister Muir and I taught over chat...MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!!!!!
She changed her life forever just because she started chattting with us :)


Welcome to Utah, Where Its Raining like no one's business!‏


Helllllo familia,

TRANSFERS! This week is transfers and Sister Tornar and I will still be training in same area for the next 6 weeks. TIME HAS FLOWN BY! I can’t believe I am here and made it to my second transfer.

MOM! Your pictures are wicked! I can’t believe what it looks like! They must have done some serious work! I hope things are getting better and you are feeling better. Sorry things didn’t go like you thought :/ I understand though... no rush on my stuff. Sounds like everyone in the family had an eventful week with all this craziness going on. Glad you had family near you to take care of and love you.  I am so grateful for this life we have and to have families. I love this gospel and the power of the priesthood we have to help in times of need.

Glad you got my letter right before you went in... :)

Last P-Day was nuts! Mom, Remember Little Jacque...I rode up to Flag with her and went to her wedding? She and her hubby came to the VC and saw me. It was really great to see her. It was hard to because I felt like I should have been out working. We didn’t talk very long... but seeing her helped me. The Lord knows what we need!

This week I met my first ANTI- Mormon. He started yelling at Sister Tornar and me. I had no idea what to do. Sister Tornar just starting laughing. She likes to battle for a few minutes and then just walks away. I was so lost....and instantly I had these feelings of unhappiness... I knew that I didn’t have the spirit and we needed to go on. Sister Tornar and I walked away and had to start singing and doing other things that brought the spirit back. It was intense.

Our area is slowing down so we are trying to find new investigators. We currently only have 4 that we are working with. We prayed this week we could better understand our investigators. And that we could better understand their needs. The Lord showed us. Each one of our investigators has some serious issues in their life. I felt like a councilor this week trying to talk to people and help them with their issues. It really helped me to connect with them though and learned to love them just a little bit more. I know that no matter what is going on in our lives...the Gospel can help it, fix it, and allow us to transform. Sister Tornar and I are beginning to see great things come about.

This week I was talking to a Sister about how I was struggling with some things and a little bit with Sister Tornar still... As we were talking I realized that God and President put me here right now in everything that I am doing for a reason. I have been so focused on ME that I haven’t been able to see my talents/ abilities. President knew that out of all the new sisters I would be able to handle all of these things. I knew then I needed to have a change of heart and learn to just be happy and love. I took it to heart and I starting just being me. I started doing the things I knew I could do and handle and letting go of the rest. This week I focused on my daily tasks rather than my mission tasks! I have been feeling a lot better. I haven’t been extremely overwhelmed and I have been focusing on Sister Tornar more. Her progression right now is far greater than my own. I know there are some days that I won’t be heard or days that I won’t be able to teach as well as I would like to...but those times will come. If I am patient like the Lord wants me to be.. I will see far greater things than I can imagine. I wonder how many times the Lord is going to help me see that I need to have grace and trust through trials. Can I just say that I am learning to LOVE the BOM more and more. Each day I mind gets blown. Several times this week I have read certain passages and then turned around and used them in lessons and/or on the street talking to people. I know that the BOM is for everyone. I know that as we studying it more and more each day and try to find answers the Lord will show us what we need. Prayer and the BOM go hand in hand. I wish our investigators could see that for themselves.

This past Sunday Sister Tornar and I have to talk in 4 separate meetings. We had a coordination meeting with all our ward mission leaders, then we got to teach a "Mission Prep" class, then we spoke in a ward at 9, 11 and 1. It was a crazy day!! I felt spiritually drained and our day wasn’t even over yet. We still have to end our day at the VC. One of my talks was on the 10 commandments for 15 minutes. I had NO idea what to talk about. As I prepared...I had many different ideas. I looked in the scriptures and began to write. I finish my talk somewhat and had this feeling it wasn’t right and I need to start over! I was devastated! Well it came down to Sat night and I re-wrote it... I was still writing it while waiting for my turn to speak. I was soooooo nervous! Was it going to be good?? I had no idea! Well I said a prayer and got up to the pulpit. I started to speak and instantly got calm. I trusted in the lord and knew that he would help me. I’m not really sure what I ended up speaking about, but everyone said it was great. Many said for the first time in a long time they stayed awake hahaha I just laughed! My trust in the Lord grew more on Sunday. I have no reason to be afraid and I have no reason to question. I know that in the end if someone rejects’s not really me they are rejecting; it is the Lord they are essentially rejecting. We must be bold as teachers and as members of the church- Let us not be afraid to share a message of happiness and joy!

Family I love you lots. I am so grateful to have you in my life and to learn from you each day.

I pray that as you go day by day, you remember who you are. You ARE a daughter and son of God. You are loved.

Life is going really well right now. I hope this week goes better for everyone this week :)

Love you lots.

Love you more than a tortoise loves the sun! xoxox

Talk to you next week :)

Printing pictures today :) PROMISE! Sending your way!

















God works miracles!


Hellllllo family! are probably in surgery right now! I hope things go well and I have been thinking about you a lot! I wish I were there to talk medical talk with you.

I have had the chance to talk medical talk with many people here in Utah... Some of the sisters ask me about random things or tell me awesome stories. :) Glad you have all these great people taking care of you :)

Sounds like life down there is one big party with all these new things happenning everywhere.

This week... we got a call that our family of four that dropped their baptisms will now be getting baptized the 15th of this month! We are sooooo excited! That means we will have 5 baptisms this week.

Tanner’s baptism...that was this past Sat... Was wonderful. He wanted a small meeting.... there was a packed room of people! It was so cool to see! He got up and bore his testimony and started to cry... I couldn’t help but to join him. It was such a spiritual experience. I love looking at people and seeing this ultimate smile on their faces... it helps me see that this is all worth it and it is true!

We will be attending a baptism this Sat for an 8 year old boy in our ward. They are the Maughan relation to Tim though... crazy! They are such an amazing family. I have only known this family for about 2 weeks and I have learned so much about the Atonement. Both parents were born in the church and fell away and got into hard core drugs. The mom had her first baby at 16. Both the mom and the dad realized they needed to change...they wanted something different for their lives... so they got back into church and have learned fully how to take upon their cross and apply the atonement. They have been so open about their experiences and now try to help others to get out of situations they were in. I have a feeling I am going to be friends long after my mission. Their Son just left to serve in Japan. We get to hear all his stories and how he teaches the gospel - He is a good example to me and helps me want to be a better missionary.

I wish some people here in Utah could talk to this family and realize we don’t have to be perfect to be a "Mormon" ... the lord knows we are going to screw up and make dumb choices...but that’s why he sent his son. Ether:12 talks about how we have weaknesses and if we turn to God and ask for help he will make those weaknesses strengths. I never in my life had a scripture hit me so hard before. I have read that a million times. I finally realized that that has been my whole life... I have needed to apply that scripture in so many ways... especially when I was angry at Dad or others for not making right choices. God is just showing those weaknesses so that in time they can become strengths and make us all better than we were before. It takes time. Be patient...the Lord says. We are not here to judge others we are here to strength ourselves and along the way be an example good or bad for others to learn from. The world makes more sense each and every day.

 This week I met, for the first time, a 17 year old kid who ran away from Colorado City to escape his family. It was an interesting conversation. He has 3 moms and 30ish siblings and he is one of the oldest. I can’t imagine. Each day we are meeting more and more kids like him.

The other night Sister Tornar and I were walking late at night and the moon was out... it was a large moon and you could see "Mr. Moon", you know what I’m talking about right,  the face in the moon. Well I asked her if she had ever seen it before... she looked at me like I was crazy! She then took the rest of the night and asked those we talked to if they knew who Mr. Moon was. It was soooo funny! Most people thought we were crazy...or me anyways! Is that just an AZ thing??? I’m pretty sure it’s real! I think I’ve gone crazy!

Yesterday was our P-Day and we got to go to Zion's and hike! What a gorgeous place!!! I can’t wait to go all over that thing after the mish. We spent most of the day there with the Maughan Family and they packed us a lunch and totally spoiled us. We got to go in the some of the water parts up to our ankles. I felt alive again. I was in my element. I really needed that recharge because this week was weighing down so hard on me. I felt this immediate peace and happiness there. I have lots of come...I promise! haha  After we got home we went grocery shopping or tried we went to get on the freeway and our tire blew. I started to change it :) Thank you Bud... Sister Tornar had no idea what to do and started freaking out. Luckily I was in a flowy I got everything out got it jacked up and this old man came up and pushed me out of the way. He said Sister.. You shouldn’t be doing that...Let me help you! Thank you God for the humbling experience and making me allow him to help. So he finish and off he went. We looked at the tire and a piece of metal went up the tire and blew out the side.I have never seen a tire look like that before... pretty scary... but everything was okay and we were safe. We ended up getting our groceries and then spent this morning at discount. I really felt at home, haha I can’t even count how many times I have been to a Discount now. All the guys there were really helpful. They fixed us up in 30 minutes and off we went. The Lord knew we needed to get back to our studies ;) hahaha ... I just kept I’m glad I know how to do these kinds of things. I’m glad I don’t freak out about these kinds of things, hahaha.

P-day was a whirl wind!

Welp...there are just some of the things I thought about this week...hope it makes sense... I hope this week is a good one for everyone!!

Love you bunches!

Love you like a Utah Sister loves the candy bowl ;)
Thank you Grandma for being the Best! Thank you Gramps for feeding mom and making sure she stays fed :)
Thank you Dad for taking care of mom!


















Part of an email sent 8/28/2012

Looked out the window and what did I see... "SIX CHAPELS ALL IN A ROW" :)‏



Loooooved the long email!  :) Sounds like life is pretty busy!

Speaking of Temple stuff... We got to clean the Temple today and actually we had to re-do all the tiles on a was sooo messing but great work It looked a lot better. We didn’t finish the whole thing but we made a good dent :) Then we got a tour of the WHOLE temple! It was soooo cool! We got to go to all the "special" places and even up in the tower. This temple is just simply amazing! So much history and really cool marking from the Pioneers that normal people don’t notice. I felt the spirit so strong even though there was so much noise from different things that were happening.

 Well this week has been pretty busy. I got to take another sister with me to my area (went on exchanges) and I got to show her my area and meet some of the people. We mostly walked around in the heat because no one was really home. I am getting tan these days :P ha-ha

Sister Tornar and I talked to this family who is "Bahai"...look that one up! It such an interesting religion. It is verrry close to LDS, but they don’t believe in Revelation (personal , etc) they have their own scriptures and everything. It’s only about 100-160 years old. The people were super nice!

This weekend Sister Tornar was supposed to have 4 baptisms...but now we are only going to have 1 :( ...again! We had this happen several weeks ago. We had 3 boys that were going to get baptized, but their parents weren’t members/inactive and so the bishop was going to do it. Well the dad recently lost his job, so he decided, well now I don’t have to work on Sundays soooo maybe I should just go back to church?!...So now he is trying to get reactivated so he can baptize his kids. It’s pretty cool how things work in people’s lives and Heavenly Father knows what’s best. It’s hard in the mission because people tend to get hung up on numbers and goals that were set...but in the long run when things like this happen... I know the family will be stronger and they will want to work harder together because of these hard decisions that they’re making now. The Feesago family is so awesome I love them!

So in the end...Tanner will be the only one being baptized this weekend...but we are soooo excited for him. He is so amazing. He is changing his life every time we meet with him. He recently told us he is having a hard time with his friends because he is now standing up for what he believes... for being just 17, this kid has more courage than I have seen in a long time. He knows that the things we are teaching him are for the best and he can’t wait to go to the temple! (Having lessons in the Temple garden sometimes gives people that extra "push" and wanting to be better :)  

I think I told about our miracle investigator Michael...The foster care kid... We invited him to a fireside this week. They have recent converts come and speak and tell their stories... we told him we think he would like it and he could see people that are similar to him. He said yeah sure I guess I could go to that. And then he says " It might take me a while to write something up, but I think I could speak there too if you don’t mind" Sister Tornar and I just laughed! We said, you don’t have to talk, we just want you to go and listen... :) he said oh..I thought I could speak. Michael is the sweetest and most sincere kid I have ever met! His love for people is really amazing. In our lessons he is always curious about how these things are going to bless his family or friends. He makes me almost cry every time I see him. We are waiting on baptism for him because of court stuff, but when the time is right... we are going to get him all set up :)

I also got to spend more time at Brigham’s this week. Each time I do a tour, I learn so many things about this man! I wish I would have known more about him before. Brigham young was such an amazing person.

Rob...I am teaching over the phone. I talked to him this week and he said that he has decided to not only stop smoking, but now he working on not drinking :) He finally got his BOM in the mail and is reading it. I told him he is going to take Fri, Sat and Sun to just read the whole thing. He said he doesn’t have anything better to do, so that’s what he’s going to do! How crazy is this?? I have never even seen this man and yet I am able to teach him about the gospel. I can’t wait till he is ready for the real missionaries :) in his area.

THANK YOU for being the best mom ever!! Love you lots! Hope this week treats you well.

Tell everyone I love them!

Hope to hear from them soon!!

Love you like a monkey love bananas!!

Try and stay cool!

 Talk to you next week...not sure what day ;)









Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dear Moriah's (Sister Larsen) family and friends,
I have not forgotten about the blog. I had surgery on Sept. 4th.
I'm about 4 weeks behind on emails. I'm hoping to get some caught up this week and next. Things take me twice as long to do right now, moving a little slow on one foot. Things will continue to be a bit of a challenge for the next few months, so I'm asking for patience, mostly from myself. :)

Just a quick update. We got a call a week or so ago from a family who lives in Salt Lake. They were in St. George for a weekend and happened to meet Sister Larsen at the Visitor's Center. They were so impressed with her and asked her if they could call her parents to let us know she was doing well. We feel so blessed to get reports from people all over, some we know and some we don't but they all report wonderful things that warm our hearts and spirits. :)
This past week a cousin from Portland Oregon who Sister Larsen has never met, met at the visitor's center on Wednesday. My cousin sent me pictures of the two of them and some of Moriah from her phone. What a highlight of my week!! Sister Larsen looks so good and so happy. My cousin reported that Sister Larsen has such a huge, wonderful spirit to match her huge, beautiful sparkling eyes. :) Sister Larsen gave my cousin and her friends a tour and shared some church history with them.
I can tell you from Moriah's emails she is busy, busy and is loving the "work" although difficult and challenging at times.

Thanks for all the support and good thoughts and wishes that continue to come our way.
We are so BLESSED! :)

And I will work on getting "caught up" with life. :)