Tuesday, July 3, 2012

And So It Begins...

Hi Moriah's family and friends,
This is "the mom"  I've never blogged before but have been informed that keeping a "blog" while your daughter is serving a mission is the the "cool thing" to do. Sooo, for 18 months I'm going to attempt to be somewhat cool. (Haven't been cool since about 5th grade) :)  I will try to keep you all updated as to the happenings in the MTC and St. George, Utah. (Both fascinating places!) :)
The adventure officially begins this evening at 5pm at the Stake President's office.
Happy 4th of July to everyone!
Anyone who feels the urge to get up realllly early after seeing fireworks, Moriah's plane leaves Phoenix Airport, Thursday morning 6:30 am!
Does this make me an official "blogger" now?  :D

1 comment:

  1. You're going to be a fantastic blogger. Keep up that humor and wish Moriah luck for us all the way in Washington state :)
