Friday, July 27, 2012

Part of an email sent 7-27-12

sooooo this week has been suuuuch an amazing week. We as sisters had to say goodbye to our elders..that was so tough. We learned to really love them and grow with them. We know they are going to be amazing missionaries though!! Utah is going to be buuuusy! :) My sisters and I are now in a new district and we had to pick up another sister, so my companionship got split up and so it’s just been Sis. Muir and I we have been rockin it! We are now in our last week and officially in our Visitor Center training. We have been practicing how to greet people and teach people needs in 5-10 minutes. It’s tough!!! There is sooo much you want to say and yet you can’t say it all because you only have 5 min! Yesterday we learned how to properly approach people about referral cards.... man! I wish I would have known the true sacredness of these cards. They aren’t JUST cards! They have real meaning and do great things. It’s all in the way you ask people about them.

This week I have really been able to understand the extent of my call and how important it really is. My call is not just an ordinary call! I will be serving three missions in one!! Ready for this....???? Not only do I get to meet people at the visitor center, but I get to go tracking and have a regular area, AND I have an entire online area! Part of my mission is talking to people who want to chat on I was very skeptical about it at first and I was like this is dumb! I don’t want to "chat" with people on online! I want to meet REAL people! gaaaaahhhh My life changed yesterday! Sis. Muir and I got the opportunity to do our very first REAL chat with someone. And let me tell you.... that person was REAL! The desires of her heart and the things she was searching for were so real and were so powerful! We talked to her for about an hour and while in our convo we asked her what she knew of Christ....  I have never heard such a powerful testimony about the Atonement.... EVER! The spirit I felt (chatting) talking to this girl was so amazing. I don’t cry and I was in tears just listening to her and praying with her. Prayer on chat is a little weird because it’s different but Heavenly Father is still listening! I know that Satan uses the internet to destroy people, but let me tell you! Heavenly Father is using internet to change people’s life for the better! Internet is such a wonderful thing. We as a church are shortening the "fall away" gap. We are giving people the opportunity to open up and not be afraid to talk (in-person) about their concerns. The most wonderful part about chatting is that it’s not JUST for non-members. We are strengthening members as well. The whole system is really cool. I get my own email account and phone number and anyone in the WORLD can call or email me for free. It kind of has a feeling of telemarketer...but instead the people are calling you! :) I LOVE my mission!!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Part of email sent July 18th

Thank you for making the address book and putting together all those pictures! I was sitting at lunch showing everyone my family and almost in tears. I just loved it!!! Thank you for reading my mind and sending me Qtips! I am almost out of mine and I was a little bummed that I might have to go without....and now I don’t!! Seriously God has blessed me so much while I’ve been here. The other day I left my PMG in a different building and I wouldn’t be able to get it till 930 pm... I was kind of mad because I needed it for class... I just tried to be patient and I knew that no matter what I’d get it so no big deal...when all of the sudden this man came into the room...never even met him before...says hey you, did you happen to leave your PMG in 9M?... I said yes I did... he said I’ll be right back...comes back in and hands me my book. I said how did you know it was me and where I was... he said Idk... I talked to this guy that had it and for some reason I needed to ask you... I didn’t know what to say. Sis Muir said you must have really been praying to get that book back! haha ... these little things have taught me to appreciate the small things and know that ALL things come from God...silly story I know... Ask Buddy if he knows what the TRC is (plus...did his teachers ever act as investigators??)... People from all over come to be investigators, less active, and Referrals for the missionaries to practice with. Most of them we think are members that have severed missions and just want to help missionaries, but some of them aren’t. We got to teach a new girl this week and within the first 5min we all realized that this story was legit and she really was coming to talk to the missionaries for help. They can’t tell us their story and they can’t tell us if they have come before or not. We have to rely on what we know and talked about from the actual person. It was the most spiritual experience I have ever had! I learned real quickly what Christ like love was! My comps and I just may have helped changed this girls life who was going inactive. I’ve always struggled with the BOM and trying to teach with it, but this time I kept pulling out all of these thing I thought would help her and the spirit really helped me to know of things in which I should say. I love this gospel!! I am loving my district more and more and my elders have one more week here at MTC and then they are leaving us :( It’s so sad! These boys are so young and yet so strong. I was fasting on Sunday and one of them came up to me and asked me if I was okay and really had concern that I wasn’t eating. It was so cute. I’m going to miss them, but I know they are going to do some great work!! This Elder that came up to me, mom, looks juuuust like Uncle Rob when he was young. It’s so freaky! I feel like I’m talking to my uncle every time I talk to him. hahaha we have another Elder that looks and acts just like Buddy! It’s so fun because I we can act crazy together. I wish I could put this past week into words and feelings but I can’t... I just love it! I know that if I were to come home today (I won’t) I would not come home the same person! I hope that when I come home, you won’t be the same either. Be strong and do all that you can to strengthen your relationship with God and your Savior. Testify each day! Love those around you and you will be blessed!

Monday, July 16, 2012

We received our first letter! We also received an email with a list of things "to send" that she forgot lol. Hard to believe with all the stuff she took she forgot anything! Moriah didn't take any pictures with her and reeeaallly wanted pictures, so her sister (Leah) and I got some family & friends pictures together and put them in a little photo album for her. :) I sent the box of forgotten things last Friday so hopefully today she will get it.
(Just a side note: the MTC receives 4,000 letters daily and 500 packages! wow)
Moriah is working hard! She said she thought college was tough, the MTC is challenging she says.
She has two companions, one is from Idaho and the other one is from Oregon. All three of them will be headed to St. George together. She says she enjoys being with her companions and they are currently teaching 4 different people. Moriah also reports that the "Elders" in her district are really awesome and even though they "are really young" lol, they are so willing to learn and build their knowledge. Their testimonies are so strong!
Currently her "P" day is on Wednesday.
PS ~ If you write a letter to Moriah, please include your return address. She has received several letters with no return address. She would like write return letters as time permits. I sent her a little address book so she can keep it all organized. :)
There is an excellent book out now called
MORMONS AN OPEN BOOK What you really want to know
I found mine at Costco for a fraction of the bookstore price. :)
Great book for members to read to be able to share information or answer questions.
Also a great book if you are not a member but are interested in knowing more about the
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Count your blessings & have a great week!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Today is Moriah's first Sunday in the MTC. I imagine she is loving it! The past few weeks attending church in my home ward was challenging for Moriah because she was use to a very quiet "student" ward. My ward is very large and mostly young families with lots of babies and young children. Needless to say, it's not usually quiet during Sacrament Meeting. I'm sure today Moriah is loving the quiet and soaking up "the spirit."
It has been hard for me (mom) the past few days to not text or Facebook my daughter. I keep thinking she is in Flagstaff so when something happens or I have a picture to share, I just automatically pick up my phone to send to her. This afternoon after church I will send her an email. I have an email address for her but I have been asked that only immediate family use it, as Moriah's time on a computer, once a week, is very limited. I know she will love receiving any letters, notes etc. from family and friends. :D  Here are the addresses I have for her so far:

Sister Moriah Larsen
MTC Mailbox #171
UT-STG 0801
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, Utah 84604-1793
(Moriah will be at the MTC until the end of July)

Sister Moriah Larsen
Mission Office
Utah St. George Mission
107 S. 1470 E. Ste 304
St. George, Utah 84790

Anything sent has to go through the post office. If you have any questions about what can/can't be sent just leave a comment on the blog or you can send me a message on Facebook.
Sharilyn Larsen aka Mom

**PS A HUGE THANK YOU to all our family and friends who have been so supportive of Moriah and her goal of serving a church mission. She has been SO excited to share her testimony of our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I know her love for all people, love of giving service and her testimony will help change lives for the better in the next 18 months. :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

We cut the time a little close this morning. Sister Larsen was the last one to get on the plane! They said they were waiting for her. :) The other sister missionary from our stake who suppose to be on the flight with Moriah, wasn't. ?? Sister Larsen arrived safe and sound in Salt Lake City and was picked up at the airport by the Ashby family. (Moriah's friends) She decided not to pack her umbrella and of course it is raining in Utah today! Well, we are all wishing you, Sister Larsen, a very wonderful "first day of school!" :D

At Sky Harbor Airport. Ready for 6:30 am flight to Salt Lake City, Utah/ Mission Training Center

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

                                                    Watch out MTC.....Here she comes!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

And So It Begins...

Hi Moriah's family and friends,
This is "the mom"  I've never blogged before but have been informed that keeping a "blog" while your daughter is serving a mission is the the "cool thing" to do. Sooo, for 18 months I'm going to attempt to be somewhat cool. (Haven't been cool since about 5th grade) :)  I will try to keep you all updated as to the happenings in the MTC and St. George, Utah. (Both fascinating places!) :)
The adventure officially begins this evening at 5pm at the Stake President's office.
Happy 4th of July to everyone!
Anyone who feels the urge to get up realllly early after seeing fireworks, Moriah's plane leaves Phoenix Airport, Thursday morning 6:30 am!
Does this make me an official "blogger" now?  :D