Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome to the 40 lbs. Mission !                                       8/20/2012

Helllllllo Familia J

Yes ....40LBS.... that is the average weight gain a sister missionary gets on this mission :0 scary! Dinners, Dinners, Dinners...Candy....snacks from VC because senior missionaries spoil us......I’ve been running A LOT and starting a full cardio system every morning :) I think my skirts might be a little tighter hahaha but I refuse to gain 40LBS!!!

Thank you Thank you for all the little notes in the email! LOVED IT!!! Love hearing from everyone! Glad everyone is doing well :)  Glad everyone got their card thingys :)

John’s kids crack me up! I was laughing out loud in the library.... Sis Tornar was laughing at me and said I looked crazy! hahaha

 Sister Tornar and I have been working really hard and learning to better understand one another. We are making strides. I think for me it is a matter of having someone at my side 24/7 ... I am really having to get use to talking to my "partner" and letting someone inside for once. Being independent and always to myself is hard to get out of. Everyone says this is going to help me when I get married.... and you’re probably laughing or saying I told you so! hahaha soooo yep! I’m learning how to be a better "wife" right now :)

Got my letters from the girls.....came at a time I really needed them! I loved them they really made me smile! I have some of them on my wall with my picture shrine :) THANK YOU!!

Thank you for the pictures of Alana! Love seeing her beautiful face!

Soooooo this week! What a weeek!!!

Wednesday we didn’t get any time in our area because I had to spend the morning in a new sister training. President Leonard taught us... and it was so good! Lots of thoughts and things that I can improve on.

 The VC is an interesting place... My world just keeps getting smaller and smaller. I meet so many people that are changing my life. I never thought I would be able to love random people...but I am slowly learning how :)

I had the opportunity to talk to someone on the phone the other day... and he seemed really crazy! He had all these weird questions and was just frustrated with the church... He said he wanted to believe in the church but how could he if we believed in all these weird things. I didn’t know how to answer his questions, but I did know how to bear my testimony. All I could do was bear what I know were truths and then I had to let him go. I just had this gut feeling he was truly interested in the church...he was just confused. So I kept his number. I called him back a couple of days later to see how he was doing and to see if he got his BOM... He said he hadn’t got the BOM yet, but he did stop smoking because he had a feeling he needed to. He knows it bad for him....but he couldn’t ever do it. He said every time he wanted to smoke he would just pray....he was on day four. He said....I just thought you would like to know. I WAS ECSATIC!!!!! I was so happy for him. I talked to him a few more minutes and bore my testimony that the thing he was doing was from the Lord. I told him that because his prayers were coming from his heart....the Lord wanted to help him.... he got choked up a little and said I believe that too and said I have to go.... I am calling him this week to see how he is doing and teach him some more :) This guy is soooo amazing and I don’t even know much about him...but I do know that the Lord wants him to have a better life.

 I have been on two exchanges this week...soooo awesome! I love seeing how other people teach. Both days... my new comps and I saw miracles! We had someone commit to baptism and also found a new investigator. I had to drive both I had to learn my area REAL quick!! I was soooo nervous we wouldn’t accomplish anything because I would get us lost....but the Lord provided and helped me find the places I needed to go. We talked to many people and I was able to be more confident in my area and gain trust in myself that I could be there and teach people.

 SATURDAY was a big day for me! FIRST baptism! :) I was sooooo happy. Watching this family come together and go through many struggles... really taught me many lessons. Aiden was the last one that needed to get baptized and now they can all go to the temple. How cool is that?! Aiden’s dad got to baptize him...and the whole time him, his wife, his daughters...they were all crying. I was trying so hard not to cry with them. It was a really special day. During it... there were times I was thinking about how excited I was and then I had to step back and say....Moriah this isn’t your day... hahaha I just wanted to help with everything. I wanted Aiden to know how proud I was of him. I can’t wait to see this family go to temple! I wish people that are inactive could see through this family that the Gospel really does bless families.

 We have several baptisms coming up in the next week or two... I can’t wait for those as well. This area is just blowing up with people interested in the Gospel.

 We recently ran into a 17 year old boy. He is in foster care and has lived a rough life. I look at him and I remember all the boys Merna(sp?) had in her home and I keep thinking about Steven a lot! This young man is living with members right now and recently went to their son’s baptism... when the son was put under water Michael said...That’s what I want... That right there.... That peace that I feel right now...I want that forever... How do I do that?? ... The next day we were over at his house teaching him! He is so open to the Gospel and the things we have to say. I love seeing his smile because no matter all the things he has been through he still can smile and feel Gods love. We told him God loved him... he said... and he loves you too with tears in his eyes. I can’t wait to see Michael progress and all the great things he decides to do with his life. I know he was meant to be placed into this home he is in for the moment. The Lord works in Mysterious ways :)

I think that is it... hahaha I have to type so fast I forget what I’ve said ;) Sorry if these are super long... I just love telling you about everything! haha

 Love you bunches of yummy almonds ;)

Please send my love to those around. I think about everyone often.

I got my huge package from Sister Worthen :) Looooved it!! ...going to write her today.

 Have a superb week... until next time!

Next week my P-Day will be on Tue :)

 Thanks for keeping up the blog... I hear from many people because of it :D

 Remember always...You have the light Christ within you...never let it run out.

Sister Moriah Larsen

Note: To my dearest Moriah, you are welcome! I have gotten a little behind on getting emails edited and posted. I think I’m up to date now. Things get busy when the school year starts!

Thank you to all who keep in touch with Moriah. She really appreciates it and so does her family. J

Best wishes for a peaceful week.
Mom :)

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