Sunday, August 5, 2012

Excerpts from Moriah’s email

 Riding the elevator with Jesus :)                                               ‏           7/31/12

 Hola Familia (YES! Moriah Larsen is learning Spanish. Not officially, just enough to communicate with people at times)

FINALLY!! I finally got to go to temple! It opened back up this past week and so we got to go. It was soooo good to go back and relearn everything. I had a hard time remembering, but I know the more I go, I’ll get it back. PS--- We were told Pres. Lenard lets the Sisters go to the temple every week.... soooo I might need my clothes :) sweeeet!!! I’ll let you know for sure!
Reading your right now :) Made me think of you and I felt like I was really close to you :) Sister Muir asked me if that was my sister :) hahaha I laughed and said yeees yes of course, no that’s my mom. I love when people think we are sisters!  (OK this would have to be my favorite part of the email!  LOL)

"Riding the elevator with Jesus"... Sis Muir and I had to walk around with our Christus Statue and take it to our other classroom. WE scared many people coming up and down the stairs. He was pretty heavy so we decided to take him in the elevator with us. When the door opened an elder screamed and said YOU SCARED ME! hahaha we laughed. I said you shouldn’t be scared. Christ is your friend! He got so was pretty funny. Walking around campus with Jesus was quite the experience. We got some crazy looks! ...So last night we learned how to use our Christus to teach people and also how to use some of our videos. We taught a young college kid about family and temples. He doesn’t have a set religion, but he likes to learn about other religions. He had lots of questions. He was confused about what happened in the temples and why he couldn’t go in. He also wanted to know why the temple was only place families could end up together forever...doesn’t God want that for everyone? ... Sis Muir and I talked to him for about 6 minutes on Temples and their purpose...and then we took him to watch "Gods Plan" the video... at first he was making random comments and seemed like he wasn’t really interested. I was praying so hard! I just wanted him to feel something! I asked Heavenly Father to help him feel something and that he could better understand why Temples are so essential in our lives. As I was praying, I wasn’t paying attention to the movie... I had forgotten about it. After I said my prayer I look over and he was sobbing! I looked back at the video and I was like whaaat just happened! I realized it was on the part that the grandfather passes away and they are talking about how they will see him again. The movie ended and we talked to him about what he was feeling. He explained to us that his father had passed away this past semester and it was still really hard for him to think about. He said the video really put into perspective what life is really about. He said he was beginning to recognize why temples were important. Sis Muir and I both testified that spirit was teaching him and the importance the temples have.

On Saturday I got the opportunity, first time and last, to be an official missionary on Temple Square :) It was a really cool experience and my co-sisters (sisters in my class) had some reallly awesome missionary opportunities. I learned things that I should do as a missionary and things that I don’t want to do. I know that everything I have been doing here, my Heavenly Father has had a hand and is preparing me in ways I can’t explain. I have an idea of what I am supposed to be/become, but I know it’s going to be a work in progress. This week we had to learn how to teach lessons and bear our testimonies in 5 min or less. It’s pretty intense! We also had to learn how to talk to people on the phone and teach them. It’s so weird to teach on the phone but I know it will end in many blessings. Teaching has progressed so much over the years! Heavenly Father really wants everyone to hear the word :)

Looooved the pictures! I am in the referral center chatting and I checked my email real quick. I was crying looking at the picture of Buddy changing Alana's Diaper :) sooooo cute! I am so glad to hear everything went well and everyone is doing well :) (Note: My son, Moriah's brother & his wife had their first baby, a girl on July 28th. It's been a very BUSY past week!)

My dearest family you are so amazing, and I love sharing things about you every day in my teaching. Today is my last day at the MTC wootwoot!! I fly out at 4am tomorrow. FYI: mom I will be calling you at 430ish am tomorrow morning to say a quick I love you :) If you’re not awake, I’ll leave a message :) I am so proud of myself...I am officially ALL packed!! 

 GUESS WHAT?! I sent my box. It was 38lbs hahahahahahah HUGE! But the coolest part about it is the box only cost me 5 dollars. YEP I said 5 dollars. I was so stinkin happy!! Sister Muir had to send one that was 41lbs for $6 hahaha
(Note: They had to have clothes etc shipped to St. George because their suitcases were tooo heavy for the plane! Do you think any Elders have ever had this problem, thinking it's just the Sisters??  haha :D)

 Looooves to all
You’re all awesome!

So I did talk to Moriah on the phone this past Wednesday. She called 4:30 am our time (5:30 Utah) We talked for a lot loooonger than 15 minutes. :D  Their flight didn't leave for St. George until 7:30   I got all caught up on her MTC experiences. She had some funny stories to tell and we talked about all the people she knew at the MTC from her "growing up" years. (School, church etc) The call really made me happy allll day long! :) I'm anxious to hear all about her next adventures out "in the field." She didn't know what part of her mission she would be doing first so I'm sure we will hear about that in her next email.....stay tuned!
Count Your Many Blessings, name them one by one & Have a great week! :D

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