Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 days till Sister Larsen is no longer a greenie!‏               Part of an email 10-10-12

Helllllo Family!!!

Dork dot....means you’re a new missionary at MTC and everyone has to say hi to you :)

 Sooo I have had so many things I have wanted to write about for this week but my mind is running 50 miles a minute today. We got to hike Zion again today but an actual hike this time and it was brutal! BUT soooooo cool. It normally takes 6 hours to do it and we did it in 3.5. It was pretty cool. I ran down the whole thing and Sister T thought I was crazy. She had a tougher time, but she did it and she’s still alive! :) ...We'll see in the morning ;)

I talked to a family yesterday that is Steve and Neola’s neighbors. Did you know they moved again? Still in Maricopa just different house. They said they will tell them I said hi hahaha small world!

 GUESS who came to UT??? ....The Medleys!!!! ooooh it was crazy and sooooo goood to see them!! It was just for a small time, but I am so grateful for the time I did have. I couldn’t stop smiling!

 CONFERENCE!!!! CrAzY!!! Wow it’s been the talk of the town around here.... we are getting so many YW who are wanting to ask us for advice now whether they should go or not. It’s kind of old now. I know that’s not a good attitude, but I honestly don’t think I would have gone at 19. I know that this is where I am supposed to be here and now at this time. It’s going to be great having a toooon of new missionaries  I hope all those that choose to go... go with a full and willing heart. Missionary work is not easy, but it is so worth it!!

I didn’t get to watch all of conference because of the VC and talking to people...but I got a good chunk of it. They started out strong on Sat. There was no messing around this time. I loooved all that I heard I thought I learned a lot and answered my questions I had. I think these men are so inspired and they love us! They want the very best for us. This is a crazy time in the world.

So the new RS President, we ate dinner at her daughters house. We were looking at her family pictures and noticed her mom...we couldn’t believe it was her. Her daughter was so humble and verrry down to earth. It was so cool.

So this week...  Did I tell you about our miracle baptisms???? By the end of this week we will have 6 more baptisms!!!! WE got a call sometime last week and the Cottam family who have been waiting for over a year to get baptized called us and said IT’S TIME! So Monday night we had 4 young girls FINALLY have the opportunity to get baptized :) . The bishop had special permission to do confirmations that night and WOW!! Each girl received such an amazing blessing. Each one was so personal and as I listened to each one I thought he was giving them a Preisthood Blessing. The blessings were so special. We have 4 more Sister Missionaries in the making!! :)

On Saturday Sister T and I will have the opportunity to see the Fessago Boys get baptized :) Their mom is not ready to be baptized yet, but her time is coming :) We are so excited for this family!

So as of now I think I will be staying in my area for next transfer and yes I’ll be getting a new 10 days!

This week we got a referral for a family, they have 10 KIDS!! Crazy! 8 of them are adopted from Ethiopia and barely speak English. So Sis T and I are trying to teach them verrrry slowly ;) great great family!! We are excited for them and can’t wait to see their progression.

Things at the VC are going well. I had a hard week because it was slow a good chunk of the time so we did a lot of sitting/studying. The days that were busy were reallly busy and I talked to so many people...I don’t even know what I taught haha

I talked to a lady the other day that is from Kentucky  and she is praying for Romney. She is not a member, but she said that if he becomes our leader... it’s going to be God's way of calling his people and telling them they need to come unto Christ. She also loves Glen Beck ha-ha ... Our world is ever changing!

 Well there isn’t much else to say.

 Just remember " Put Christ’s name on, until it feels broken in."

CTR ...what do you think that means??? Choose the right? Well yes...but NOW there is a new meaning... CURRENT TEMPLE RECCOMEND :) hahaha pretty funny huh? We had a member tell us that and I laughed for a good 5 minutes about it. People here in Utah are so funny!

Wellllll love you family!

Mom....Love you like a chipmunk loves PB&J sandwiches in the forest :)

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